Risk Factors for COVID-19 versus non-COVID-19 related in-hospital and community deaths by Local Authority District in Great Britain
2020 JUN 04 (NewsRx) -- By a
“Objectives: To undertake a preliminary hypothesis-generating analysis exploring putative risk factors for coronavirus diseae 2019 (COVID-19) population-adjusted deaths, compared with non-COVID-19 related deaths, at a local authority district (LAD) level in hospital, care homes and at home. Design: Ecological retrospective cohort study Setting Local authority districts (LADs) in
“Conclusions This is the first study within GB to assess COVID-19 related deaths in comparison to COVID-19 unrelated deaths across hospital, care homes and home combined.
“As an ecological study, the results cannot be directly extrapolated to individuals.
“However, the analysis may be informative for public health policy and protective measures. From our hypothesis-generating analysis, we propose that air pollution is a significant risk factor and high temperature a significant protective factor for COVID-19 related deaths. These factors cannot readily be modelled at an individual level. Scottish local authorities and local authorities with a higher proportion of individuals of BAME origin are potential risk factors for COVID-19 related deaths in care homes and in hospitals, respectively. Altogether, this analysis shows the benefits of access to high quality open data for public information, public health policy and further research.”
This preprint may not have been peer-reviewed. For more information on this research see: http://medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.21.20108936v1
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