Rep. Waters Issues Remarks at Policy Speech on Importance of National Flood Insurance Program
"All of us in this room have a long history with the National Flood Insurance Program. We've fought tirelessly over the years to ensure that it remains effective, solvent, and affordable for Americans across the nation. Unfortunately, that fight is continuing right now.
"In the 1950s, floods devastated neighborhoods across
"Without insurance coverage to help families and businesses pick up the pieces after a storm, the government was left to pick up the tab in the form of federal disaster assistance. By 1968,
"The NFIP makes flood insurance available to millions of homeowners, renters, and business owners and also helps those policyholders to reduce their risk by providing flood mapping, floodplain management, and mitigation services. These activities help local communities and individuals prepare for the financial impact of flooding, whether it is caused by heavy rainfall that affects families living in the Midwest or life-threatening storms that pummel the millions of homes and businesses along the coasts. Despite the benefits the NFIP provides to policyholders and taxpayers, the program continues to be at risk.
"We still have a lot of work ahead of us in
I don't usually have many opportunities to work with my Republican colleagues, but flood insurance has long been an issue that defies partisanship.
"As you all know, in 2012 I joined former Congresswoman
"Several years later, I reached across the aisle again to find ways to solve the unforeseen rate increases that resulted from
"Over the course of 2013, I convened meetings and conference calls with my colleagues to address the unintended consequences of Biggert-Waters, and we got to work drafting a bill that made it through the
"I have long advocated for a long-term reauthorization of the NFIP in order to provide certainty in the housing market. Unfortunately, the NFIP has been carried along through twelve short-term extensions since Fiscal Year 2017, and has even experienced brief lapses during that time. This haphazard approach to legislating puts communities at risk and undermines the health of our housing market.
"I am truly hopeful that as Chairwoman of the Financial Services Committee, with jurisdiction over the NFIP, that I will be able work with Ranking Member
"First and foremost, I am focused on affordability. Although premium increases were slowed with the passage of the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act, there is still much room for improvement. Policyholders continue to be burdened with unfair fees and surcharges that have nothing to do with their actuarial risk. For example, small businesses are charged
"Secondly, with the NFIP's work on an affordability framework finally completed, we know that there are low-income policyholders in the program that need financial assistance and we have analyzed several options for delivering that assistance. I am working on an affordability demonstration program that would target assistance to policyholders at or below 80% of area median income, which is well known in the housing world as representing low-income households. By targeting the demographic in such a way, we will be able to help those truly in need. And, by crafting this as a demonstration, we will be able to monitor the results and readjust the assistance as necessary.
"But above all, I believe the single most important thing we can do to fix the NFIP and bring relief to policyholders is to forgive the NFIP's debt.
"I was so pleased that
"It is simply unacceptable that the very policyholders who are trying to do the right thing but are struggling to make the payments are paying for the servicing of a debt that was accrued at no fault of their own. I will not rest until something is done to address this
"Of course, the NFIP is much more than just an insurance program. The NFIP plays an important role in disaster preparedness and resiliency by providing flood maps. I'm committed to making further improvements in mapping by calling for additional funding and the use of the latest technology. According to the
"I am also prioritizing reforms to and investments in mitigation, which is proven to save taxpayer dollars in the long term by helping to reduce the damage that occurs when floods hit. Policyholders and communities deserve credit for the mitigation efforts they undertake whether it is alternative methods of mitigation in dense, urban areas, or locally built levees that provide protection for entire neighborhoods.
"Additionally, I am committed to providing the resources necessary for communities to conduct mitigation and floodplain management. I am looking at everything from state revolving loan funds, to grants for technical assistance, to insurance funds for buy-outs, to congressional appropriations for mitigation assistance. These steps will serve our nation well in the face of natural disasters that are increasing in severity and frequency every year.
"As part of this effort, I understand that more must be done to address properties that repeatedly flood. So-called repetitive loss properties present challenges not only to the stability of the NFIP, but more importantly to families and communities. However, as we seek to move homes out of harm's way we must take care to understand the plight of the people that live in those homes.
"For many, there are simply no options. Often, the least desirable and risky areas are where low-income families are forced to reside. Or, they live in flood-prone areas because that is how they make their living. I'm often reminded of the hardworking shrimpers in
"So, while I understand that repetitive loss properties need to be provided real options to either elevate or move out of harm's way, I also want to be sure that we carefully consider the circumstances of the people inside the property.
"I would also like to see some reforms to the claims process. As evidenced by the appalling reports of fraud in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, more must be done to protect policyholders.
"I would like to thank Representative
"I would be remiss if I did not mention our efforts to grow the private sector in a responsible way. As you all surely know, the federal financial regulators took several years to come out with a rule that would allow lenders to accept private flood insurance as satisfaction of the mandatory purchase requirement. In the absence of action from the regulators, the House passed legislation that would have provided such clarification. I'm pleased that the regulators have finally acted, and we will be monitoring the development of the private sector as more companies begin to venture into the space.
"Similarly, I'm pleased that the NFIP has taken steps to spread its risk through the purchase of reinsurance. To date, the NFIP has purchased over
"Finally, I would like to offer some thoughts on
"Changes to risk rating must be undertaken with extreme caution and should always be done with the policyholder in mind. I will oppose any efforts to substantially raise premiums or to otherwise add to the affordability burdens that we in
"In closing, as we continue our work in the Financial Services Committee, I call on all of you to echo my commitment to a bipartisan, long-term, responsible reauthorization that addresses the debt, provides solutions to affordability challenges for families and businesses, and protects our housing market.
"Flooding is truly a humbling and equalizing force. In the wake of the many catastrophic natural disasters we experienced just in the last three years, whether the wildfires in
"Now it's time for
"Thank you for all your good work on this issue, and for inviting me to speak with you today."
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