Rep. Maloney Votes to Pass Legislation to Support America's Families Facing COVID-19
"As our nation grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to make sure that families across this country have the resources they need to take care of themselves and their loved ones. We need to make paid leave available so that employees aren't faced with the impossible decision to give up a paycheck or go into work while sick and we need to make sure that we are looking after American's financial wellbeing, in addition to their health.
"That is why I was proud to support and vote for the Families First Coronavirus Response Act to provide paid sick leave, paid family and medical leave, and free coronavirus testing to everyone who needs it, to enhance unemployment insurance, to strengthen food security initiatives, and to increase funding for the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP). I urge the
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides:
* Free testing for coronavirus: The Families First Coronavirus Response Act ensures that all individuals who need a test, including those with private insurance, Medicare Advantage or Original Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP,
* Economic security:
* Paid emergency leave: The Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides two weeks of paid sick leave and up to three months of paid family and medical leave.
* Food security: The Families First Coronavirus Response Act includes more than
* Health security: The Families First Coronavirus Response Act increases the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP), which the federal government provides to state and territorial Medicaid programs. This will prevent states from cutting benefits, reducing their Medicaid rolls, or imposing greater costs on enrollees.
Sen. Daines Pushes to Expand Access for Coronavirus Testing in Tribal Communities
Rep. DeGette: House Passes Coronavirus Response Bill
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