Rep. Cheney Issues Statement on Dems’ Sham Health Care Resolution
Targeted News Service
WASHINGTON, April 3 -- Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyoming, issued the following statement after Democrats brought to the floor a partisan health care resolution designed to distract from their party's embrace of single-payer health care:
"This meaningless resolution put forward by Democrats fails to offer any new solutions to the problems created by the mess that is Obamacare. Instead, today's vote was nothing more than an attempt by Democrats to distract from the fact that their proposed solution to health care involves a one-size-fits-all, government-run scheme that strips insurance from 158 million Americans and eliminates choices from patients all together. That would be a disaster for American families.
"Wyoming families have suffered more than most under Obamacare. Whether it's higher costs, fewer choices, or the loss of doctors or care that people liked, the law has made it more difficult for people to access affordable and quality health care.
"I will continue to stand with President Trump and my fellow Republicans to work towards a solution that puts patients back in control of their health care decisions and maintains protections for those with pre-existing conditions."
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