Rainforest Action Network: New Report – Banks and Investors Should Avoid Supporting Rio Grande Valley LNG Projects
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- Three proposed fracked gas export terminals would pose reputational risks for financial institutions
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A new report released today highlights the reputational damage that would plague any bank or investor that supports three fracked gas export terminals proposed for
Rio Grande LNG, Texas LNG, and Annova LNG and the
Already, pressure from activists raising these concerns convinced leading international bank
"These proposed LNG terminals have faced massive resistance from local residents because they would be an environmental disaster for our region, threaten local businesses, and trample Indigenous rights," said Sierra Club Brownsville Organizer
"At a time when science calls us to immediately and drastically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, the fossil fuel industry plans to sacrifice a critical ecosystem to build a new climate bomb. This total nonsense has already been acknowledged by the second biggest European bank,
"The proposed
"Texas LNG plans to destroy a pre-Columbian archaeological site called
"Our communities have time and time again told regulators we oppose the three LNG projects. We know we can't count on
All three projects are awaiting approval from the
Note: This report is being distributed to 37 top global bankers of LNG, and 31 top LNG investors:
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