Pull the thread: Inquiry into unemployment fraud can get needed answers
Last November, state Comptroller
Numbers all get a little nondescript at the big end, which is why it’s worth emphasizing just how enormous of a gulf exists between
However, we should be aware that fraud can never be zero or anything close to it. Regardless of the nature of any government program, there will always be people that figure out ways to game it and cheat it.
That doesn’t mean the program isn’t worthwhile or that standards should be made so stringent as to be insurmountable, which is especially the case for an emergency UI expansion that was by necessity almost immediate, with an emphasis of getting money out the door fast. This inquiry should mainly be used as a roadmap to avoid specific pitfalls that may arise in a future emergency where the unemployment system needs to quickly ramp up under strain.
As for enforcement, the authorities must go after the most egregious violators — crooks who got big payouts by using false identities, making claims under different names, or totally fabricating work information. They should not go after the many people who may have slightly confused their work dates or otherwise didn’t exactly cross their t’s and dot their i’s during a time of global catastrophe.
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