Ping An awarded "A- " in CDP rating for 3rd consecutive year for environmental achievements on climate change
Ping An has been disclosing climate change information to CDP since 2019 and has received an A- each year from 2020 to 2022. Ping An's score places it well above the average of C for global companies that disclosed to the CDP, and the average of B- for financial services companies. Ping An also received the highest ratings in disclosures on Scope 1 & 2 emissions, risk management processes, governance, and emissions reduction initiatives.
Ping An values green and low carbon development as part of its corporate responsibility to support
Ping An set a target of green investment and credit of
Ping An has also adopted a carbon neutral strategy in line with international best practices, which prioritizes internal emission reduction through energy saving in office buildings and data centers, and further reductions through external efforts, including purchasing renewable power. In 2022, it began trial operation of Ping An Guanlan Data Center No. 3 in
Ping An has received regional recognition for integrating environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) standards into its corporate management. In 2022, Ping An was rated A in the
The CDP, formerly the
[1] Calculated at the exchange rate prevailing on the day of distribution, (RMB's spot exchange rate again USD at around 6.78)
[2] Calculation based on General Rules for Calculation of the Comprehensive Energy Consumption (GB/T2589-2020)
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