OPINION: Biden can run, but he can’t Hyde: His reversal on an abortion question is a bad sign
Biden had been a longtime supporter of Hyde, named for the late Rep.
I am ardently pro-choice and have long been opposed to the Hyde Amendment, but I am less than thrilled at Biden's sudden conversion. It reeks of insincerity, of a decision made simply for political reasons. He was under intense pressure from the party's liberal wing, particularly the suddenly accelerating Sen.
He also heard from the actress
Others made points of heroic banality. The
Abortion is a morally complex issue. A lot depends on the circumstances -- how far along the pregnancy may be, etc. For some, though, abortion is simply murder. For others, opposition to abortion is misogyny masked as morality. I always put Biden, who in a 2007 book wrote that he is "personally opposed to abortion," in the "religion" category -- a Roman Catholic with views to match. In that case, his reluctance to have anti-abortion taxpayers fund abortions is understandable.
It's troubling that Biden should so easily abandon what, until the other day, seemed a deeply held position. It is also troubling that a major element of the Democratic Party is so intolerant of an opposing idea that it would doom a candidacy on that basis alone. This lockstep abortion platform seeks to impose a simplistic position on a morally vexing issue and is reminiscent of 1992, when at the
At the moment, Hyde is a huge irrelevancy.
By reversing his position on Hyde, Biden has revived memories of politicians past who did a neat about-face on a matter of principle.
This will be an arduous and painful campaign for Biden if he is willing to betray his beliefs. Soon enough, it will be bitterly cold in
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