New Findings from Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in the Area of Risk Management Described (Barriers And Prospects For The Use of New Genetic Technologies For Food Production: Regulatory Options in The …): Insurance – Risk Management
2022 NOV 15 (NewsRx) -- By a
The news reporters obtained a quote from the research from
According to the news editors, the research concluded: “For the first time, a comparative analysis of studies of new genetic editing technologies in the context of their industrial implementation and legal regulation, basing on analytics from leading European centers and
For more information on this research see: Barriers And Prospects For The Use of New Genetic Technologies For Food Production: Regulatory Options in The Interests of The Russian Economy. Strategiceskie rešenia i risk-menedžment, 2022,12(4):344-353. (Strategiceskie rešenia i risk-menedžment - The publisher for Strategiceskie rešenia i risk-menedžment is Real Economics Publishing House.
A free version of this journal article is available at
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