National Community Pharmacists Association Issues Public Comment to FTC, Justice Department Antitrust Division
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Here are excerpts:
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To: The Honorable
The Honorable
RE: Solicitation for Public Comments on the Business Practices of Pharmacy Benefit Managers and Their Impact on Independent Pharmacies and Consumers
NCPA represents America's community pharmacists, including 19,400 independent community pharmacies. Almost half of all community pharmacies provide long-term care services and play a critical role in ensuring patients have immediate access to medications in both community and long-term care settings. Our members represent a
NCPA's members continue to suffer from the anticompetitive effects of multiple horizontal and vertical mergers in the health care industry over the past 20 years. These mergers have resulted in a highly concentrated market structure that allows pharmacy benefit managers to "exercise undue market power."/1
Three vertically integrated companies/2 now control access to more than 80%3 of all prescriptions filled in
The harm caused by the consolidation is not only to competitors who are squeezed out through exclusionary practices made possible by vertical integration, but also to competition and consumers.
The Agencies did not challenge a single transaction in this market with anything more substantial than targeted divestitures. Many did not even receive a Second Request. Something is broken with merger review.
Broaden the Scope of the Guidelines
The Guidelines need a broad sample of real-world mergers that serve as evidence of harm to competition that rely on structural presumptions and historical comparisons. As
3 Fein, Adam. "The Top Pharmacy Benefit Managers of 2021: The Big Get Even Bigger." Drug Channels.
4 Competition in
5 Supra fn. 1.
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currently constructed and implemented, the Guidelines identify a very narrow type of mergers for which there is overwhelming and compelling evidence of harm to competition - e.g., merger to monopoly, or that are susceptible to econometric analysis. Transactions that do not fit within the obvious category or the narrow template are cleared despite appearing to the general public to be a substantial lessening of competition, higher prices for consumers, and diminished access and innovation. In short, the Guidelines as currently constructed and applied subvert the intention of the statute as enacted by
Application of the Guidelines relies too heavily on complex economic modeling rather than real-world behaviors and structural presumptions. This over-reliance on economic analysis has created a "CSI" effect in courtrooms with judges mistakenly believing, and thus requiring, that judges can and must predict merger effects with precision in each case. In turn, the econometric analysis takes over, with each side spending millions to develop complicated modeling that is often proven wrong within just a few years of the deal closing. This "CSI" effect could be ameliorated by the reintroduction of structural presumptions that are based on what actually has happened in the market.
Apply the Guidelines as Written
Challenge vertical mergers that create or enhance barriers to entry and stop focusing on price as the sole indicator of when to act. Short of rewriting the Guidelines, the Agencies application of the Guidelines as written would result in significantly more robust enforcement. For example, the 2020 Vertical Guidelines identify the conditions which potentially raise significant competitive concerns. Yet, challenges to vertical transactions are rare - once every 40 years - despite the increasing number of vertically integrated entities, particularly in healthcare and technology.
In the technology space, the creation of these closed loop barriers to entry is referred to as "walled gardens." The concept is the same in healthcare: establish a market, control access to customers, and construct rules to disadvantage competitors. Vertical transactions that create or enhance barriers to entry and allow for exclusion of rivals essentially are ignored as a result of the Guidelines' focus on price./7
These exclusionary behaviors do directly affect price and they harm the competitive process which ultimately results in additional harm to consumers./8
The recent
6 E.g., the retrospective undertaken by the
[seven footnote is omitted]
8 In our market, we have seen how a walled garden directly leads to increased prices for consumers. For example, the three largest PBMs which account for 80% of all prescriptions filled in the
Complaint filed by the
[Text omitted]
Over the last 40 years, the accommodating policy toward mergers found in the current structure and application of the Guidelines has resulted in a substantial lessening of competition throughout the economy. Even the simple step of more faithfully applying the Guidelines as currently written would have a positive impact. Greater attention to exclusionary effects, non-price effects, and vertical foreclosure do not require much more. As things stand, the dynamism of the marketplace that enabled and spurred innovation has been replaced by many of the same market characteristics that spawned the Sherman Act and the Clayton Act. Law professors teach students that the antitrust laws level the playing field, fostering a competitive marketplace that produces higher quality goods, consumer choice, and lower prices. The Agencies should work to ensure that the Merger Guidelines consider all of those benefits of competition - quality, choice, lower costs - in evaluating the competitive effects of a transaction.
B. Douglas Hoey RPh, MBA
TARGETED NEWS SERVICE (founded 2004) features non-partisan 'edited journalism' news briefs and information for news organizations, public policy groups and individuals; as well as 'gathered' public policy information, including news releases, reports, speeches. For more information contact
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