Board OKs budget, redistricting
Next fiscal year, staff at
The board approved its fiscal year 2025-26 budget with a 4-0 vote during a meeting on Thursday. Board member
The school board has to present its approved annual budget to the county
Additionally, 19 currently vacant positions were cut from the budget, meaning that those positions won't be filled this year. Three positions were added: one speech language pathologist for private day students, one nurse and one middle school math specialist, a grant-funded position.
Employee pay scales stayed the same for the fiscal year 2025-26 budget; however, all RCPS employees will move up one step on the pay scale, Lionberger said.
Board member
Vice Chairman
"We've gotta do better," he said. "We've gotta try to find the money to properly compensate our staff ."
Hudson said the board is going to continue working to get pay raises for staff .
"We truly have the best interest of our staff at heart, because without you, we would not be one of the top districts in the state," he said.
The school budget is scheduled to be presented to the supervisors during a Tuesday meeting.
In another matter Thursday,
To support LGBTQ+ students within
In years past, the topic of support for LGBTQ+ students and staff in
Two people spoke during the meeting on Thursday:
"We need to think about how these policies affect everyone, especially those who already feel like they don't fit in," Umberger said. "I'm asking the school board to really think about what kind of message these policies send. Do we want to be the school district that protects and values all students, or the one that makes students feel like they don't belong?"
Poindexter shared a story of her time at
"We've become accustomed to a very casual hatred, and we cannot allow it to become our normal," she said. "Someone must advocate for these children when their biggest bullies live in the home."
Also Thursday, the school board voted 4-0 to approve a request to redistrict
The two schools are less than 10 minutes apart and both feed into the same middle and high school. Around 50 kids will be impacted by the redistricting, which Newcomb said was received well by the impacted families.
Roanoke County School Board approves budget, redistricting
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