N.M. Homeland Security & Emergency Management Department Issues Public Comment on FEMA Notice
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Line 56-63 -
Line 71-76 - The language included on the state and territory "allocation" vs. "set-aside" is very general, implying that only tribes are guaranteed a set-aside. For years under PDM the set-aside was
At a minimum, we suggest
Line 79-96 - We would like to express our support and appreciation that BRIC will maintain the 75% federal, 25% non-federal split, with both cash and in-kind or a combination being acceptable, and the 90% federal/10% non-federal split for small impoverished communities. As a rural state our sub-applicants rely on this kind of flexibility.
Line 102-108 - The solution proposed for tribes impacted by the seven-year eligibility limitation is a very good idea. We appreciate that tribes are eligible to apply for BRIC if they have received a presidential disaster declaration or are partially located within a state that has received a presidential disaster declaration within the last seven years. Thank you for this thoughtful solution.
Line 109-110 - The language on eligible sub-applicants as written appears to limit the current list to only two types of entities. Most of our sub-applicants do not fall under the category of local government or tribe, like our flood control authorities and soil and water conservation districts that are classified as quasi-governmental agencies.
We suggest that all entities eligible for PDM and HMGP (state agencies, local governments, quasi-governmental agencies, tribal entities, and nonprofits) should also be eligible for BRIC and be similar or match the PAPPG criteria. Limiting the pool of eligible applicants will only strain our local governments further and make it harder to accomplish good mitigation.
Line 124-131 - The eligibility language here implies that there may be room for the same kinds of projects eligible under HMGP's 5% set-aside.
Line 171-176 - The New Mexico State Hazard Mitigation Plan actions, as decided by planning committee, are based on input and coordination between state agencies and reflect state agency actions only. Actions do not tie to local or tribal mitigation actions. For example, one action within the state plan is to implement defensible space around state owned critical facilities. This action does not address the numerous wildfire thinning projects that take place to protect residential structures. State Hazard Mitigation Plans have not been required to list every possible local and tribal hazard mitigation plan action.
Line 217-224 - The document indicates that pre-award is eligible, however most large-scale projects require years of design and development before they can meet the criteria for an eligible construction project.
One of the true successes under HMGP is the ability to phase projects. This allows for the development and design of projects with the assurance that these costs can be reimbursed and implementation achieved. The intent with BRIC seems to be to require sub-applicants adhere more strictly to a 36-month period of performance, and most phased projects have proven that additional time is needed. Design and development of large-scale projects takes a significant amount of time.
If Advanced Assistance, available under PDM but not specified so far under BRIC, will fill the gap that Phased awards have filled under HMGP, then Advanced Assistance should not be limited to the arbitrary cap established under PDM.
State Hazard Mitigation Officer
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The notice can be viewed at: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=FEMA-2019-0018-0001
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