N.J. Gov. Murphy: ICYMI – NJ DOBI Adopts Regulations to Require Comprehensive Abortion Coverage in Department Regulated Health Insurance Markets
As part of the
As part of the Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, the department was tasked with performing a study on the impact of insurance coverage on the availability of reproductive health care services. Early adoption of the requirement was approved late last year by both boards of the Individual Health Coverage Program and the Small Employer Health Benefits Program after the department's study found the need for regulatory action to require coverage for abortion services under health benefits plans regulated by the department. The study also found that requiring insurance coverage for abortion, without exceptions, will not increase premiums in any material way, allows access to the full range of reproductive health care, increases transparency, and would be consistent with actions taken in other states.
The rules take effect in the large employer market
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REPORT: https://nj.gov/dobi/P.L.2021c.375report.pdf
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Original text here: https://nj.gov/governor/news/news/562023/approved/20230918a.shtml
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