Michigan Democratic Party: ICYMI – The Gander Highlights Rogers, Meijer, and Pensler's Vow to Gut Affordable Health Care for 1.3 Million Michiganders
The Gander reported that
Rogers voted against the Affordable Care Act and described it as a "disastrous law." Meijer signed a pledge to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Pensler called the Affordable Care Act a "disaster" and said he'd repeal it. A repeal of the ACA means "1.3 million Michiganders would lose their insurance and about 1.8 million with pre-existing health conditions could lose critical protections."
Read the Gander's reporting on the Republican candidates' vow to revoke critical health care access and increase costs for Michiganders:
The Gander: Republican
* Three Republican candidates running for a chance to represent
* Among them: Former US Reps.
* Last month, former President
* Former Republican US Rep.
* During his time in
* Meijer has also said he opposes abortion rights--even in cases of rape--and that he supports federal legislation to ban or restrict abortion. But that's not the only healthcare he's against.
* ...Meijer has vowed to support the former president's renewed efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, if elected. In 2020, he signed a pledge to do just that.
* On the campaign trail in 2018, Pensler made it clear that he opposes reproductive rights across the country--even once labeling the precedent set in Roe v. Wade as "tyrannical." As a businessman, Pensler has also long opposed efforts to increase the minimum wage in
* And just like Rogers, Pensler has also labeled the Affordable Care Act as a "disaster" and made it clear that he wouldn't think twice about repealing the law if he was elected to
* Repealing the Affordable Care Act would rip away healthcare insurance from nearly 40 million Americans who get coverage through the ACA marketplace or its Medicaid expansion and enable insurance companies to once again deny coverage to those with pre-existing conditions.
* In Michigan, about 1.3 million people would lose their insurance and about 1.8 million with pre-existing health conditions could lose critical protections, federal estimates show.
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Original text here: https://michigandems.com/icymi-the-gander-highlights-rogers-meijer-and-penslers-vow-to-gut-affordable-health-care-for-1-3-million-michiganders/
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