Jul. 29--A Care Connection for Aging Services "Medicare 101" workshop will take place at noon on Tuesday, July 20, at the Warrensburg Senior Center, 445 E. Gay St., Suite 128.
The session, which is free and open to the public, is geared toward people who are preparing for retirement or new to Medicare.
Topics of the one-hour workshop will be benefits, premiums, deductibles and copayments, as well as the differences in Parts A, B, C, and D.
Reservations can be made by calling 1-800-748-7826.
People attending the workshop will learn how they may qualify for assistance in paying for prescriptions and medical care.
The session also covers prescription drug plans, supplemental insurance and Medicare Advantage plans.
Care Connection does not sell insurance and will not recommend a particular plan.
Lunch will be available for a contribution for individuals 60 and older, and for the full cost of the meal (about $7.50) for others.
(c)2019 The Daily Star-Journal (Warrensburg, Mo.)
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