Library network to contract with ICRMP, Great American Insurance
At the start of the Friday meeting at the
"I read between the lines that he wouldn't have it by
"I have not had any additional conversation, other than the message that the board received," Eccles said.
She said if there was additional time, more work could be done from both brokerages.
She said the board should proceed with the understanding that it will be spending about
"Doing a mid-year adjustment could raise the financial amount to the district, and again, we've only budgeted about
The board met for a two-hour special meeting Thursday to continue the insurance discussion from Wednesday's meeting, including whether to intentionally allow its insurance to lapse. The board agreed to have its counsel,
During the Friday meeting, Plass suggested the board meet for another special meeting to discuss the appeal to ICRMP in the next week or two. Eccles said calling another special meeting to discuss a topic already on a special meeting's agenda seemed to be an unreasonable and unrealistic expectation.
One and up to two board meetings every month is considered healthy, Eccles said to the board, reading from a written statement.
In June through
"CLN's board and administrative staff have spent over 40 hours in scheduled board meetings," Eccles read from the statement. "With an estimated two hours of preparation for every hour in a meeting, this is 120 hours of board work in four months. The board has been spending 7.5 hours per week instead of five to 10 hours a month as described as healthy expectations in the library board's trustee job description."
"As has been recently discussed, the job description and the board's agreement with the director requires the director to attend all meetings of the board," she continued. "I believe if the board continues to meet on this demanding schedule, it is placing an unreasonable expectation on staff and trustees."
The next regular meeting of the board is set for
Albemarle Police Reports – Sept. 29, 2023
'Scam Artist' Adjuster from Coral Springs Accused of $11 Million Auto Insurance Fraud
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