Are we loyal to tribe,
or to truth?
Editor, The Beacon: Whom do you trust? I'm not thinking of political leaders. I'm referring to people. Whether they go to church is as irrelevant as their political party. What matters is whether they put their beliefs above evidence. Do they put tribe above truth?
If they are unwilling to look at evidence, then the answer is beware. We all choose what we believe. But if we're unwilling to put evidence above ourselves, we can't even trust ourselves. We're all tempted to do it. You know who I am talking about because we are related to them. They are our friends and neighbors. They are nice people. Need examples? Think of someone you know who will believe allegations from their favorite "fact" source, but won't watch testimony sworn under oath if they think it threatens their belief.
Telling lies is not against the law. False testimony under oath is. That's why some people do everything they can to avoid it.
Cross-examination makes the veracity even stronger. If it's the truth you fear, don't watch.
Do you know anyone who refused to watch the
All propagandists know that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. We witness today the ease of spreading lies. Millions believe the last election was stolen based on allegations without evidence.
Reich Minister of Propaganda
Voltaire wrote during the reign of terror following the French Revolution more than 200 years ago: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
He knows his audience. He actually has two: those who believe what he says because they need to be lied to; and those who don't care if it's true because they want power.
So, don't blame poor Donald anymore. He was merely the original tumor. The tumor has metastasized. And they are easy to spot.
James Tweed
No help for
homeowners here
Editor, The Beacon: Gov.
They subsidized reinsurance with taxpayer money, curtailed the ability of homeowners to litigate insurance settlements, and threw homeowners off
Nothing in the recent legislation was designed to lower the cost of homeowners insurance. Rather, everything was designed to keep insurance companies "in the gravy."
For years, insurance companies collected exorbitant premiums without any payments for hurricanes. Now, they have a sympathetic governor and Legislature that will do their bidding.
Attempts by
Shame on the chameleons who claim to help the homeowner!
attack the
Editor, The Beacon: The media are missing the big story about the 2022 elections.
It isn't that Republican
The big story is that
Aerospace Insurance Market Projected to Show Strong Growth : Wells Fargo, Marsh, Old Republic Aerospace, Global Aerospace
The final day to sign up for health insurance through Pa.'s marketplace is Jan 15. What to know. [The Philadelphia Inquirer]
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