Kentuckians don't recall hearing from doctor about vaccine
Only one in five Kentuckians say they have been contacted by a health professional about getting a COVID-19 vaccine and just one in seven say have been contacted for that reason by their health-insurance provider, according to a statewide poll.
The poll was conducted
Foundation President and CEO
"What this tells us, I think, is that we have a lot of work to do," Chandler said. "Would doctors and health insurance providers reaching out have made a difference in where we are today? Well, I don't know the answer to that. But I do think ... it's certainly worth a try in the future to think about seeing if we could figure out a way to get doctors and to get insurance companies to reach out more effectively and, in a systematic way to the people who have not gotten vaccinated."
The poll also found
The poll asked
The poll, which had an error margin of plus or minus 4.3 percentage points, found that 27% of adults who had not taken a COVID-19 vaccine said they strongly agreed that they would take their vaccine recommendations from their doctor. Chandler said that suggests that one-third of Kentuckians might be persuaded by their doctor or other health-care provider to get a Covid-19 shot.
"We may be able to figure out a way to create a system where this could happen," Chandler said. "I think we could maybe make up some ground if we did that."
"I do think there's a practical side to it," Meadows said. "Given the workload and the patient load that they have ... the real side of it right now is catching up on a lot of stuff. But I do think that many of them are starting to have those conversations, especially during this Delta surge."
While moderating a panel on the first day of the forum, Dr.
Meadows acknowledged that some health-care providers may be reluctant to bring up the controversial topic of COVID-19 vaccination for fear of losing patients, but he did not think that was a significant factor.
"There may be a certain element to that," he said. "I think physicians try to be sensitive to patients' concerns. However, I think given the severity of this virus, especially with the Delta surge, I don't sense, at least in my conversations with physicians, that that's holding a lot of them back."
Any possibility that the beneficiaries may not think of managed-care firms as a "health-insurance provider," the wording used in the poll question, did not arise when the poll was field-tested before it was conducted, pollster
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