Investigators from Tehran University of Medical Sciences Report New Data on Diabetes Research (Utilization Trend of Parenteral Antidiabetic Drugs In Type 2 Diabetic Patients Covered By Iran Health Insurance Organization From 2011 To 2030): Diabetes Research
2023 JUL 14 (NewsRx) -- By a
Financial support for this research came from
Our news editors obtained a quote from the research from the
According to the news editors, the research concluded: “This also suggests that, compared to the average in the commonwealth countries, Iranian diabetic patients has faced lack of drug utilization in the past decade that is gradually reducing.”
For more information on this research see: Utilization Trend of Parenteral Antidiabetic Drugs In Type 2 Diabetic Patients Covered By Iran Health Insurance Organization From 2011 To 2030.
The news editors report that additional information may be obtained by contacting
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