How Annuities Can Drain Seniors’ Savings
Sales of the lightly regulated, fixed-index insurance product can bring high commissions for agents and opaque fees that confuse consumers.
During the years that
Courtesy of the Nave family
Piccinini, 44, of
Attorney General’s office
The investments that Piccinini sold
Like most states,
However, during the four years Piccinini switched the sisters from one high-fee annuity contract to the next, seven insurance companies whose products he sold to the sisters failed to sound the alarm. Finally, an eighth company,
It took a year and a half before a state insurance investigator confronted Piccinini, who in
State prosecutor
consumer staff in
Staffers at the state
In 2015, the prosecutor brought felony fraud and theft charges against Piccinini. Facing an airtight case, he pleaded guilty last year in exchange for paying back
The Attorney General’s initial investigator in the case,
Staffers at the
Free meal deal
Sales of this investment product are booming, but regulation is lax, and experts urge caution, especially by the elderly.
Fixed Index Annuities: ‘Magical’ or ‘Unsuitable’?
Over the past decade, the
Piccinini’s attorney,
The insurance department declined to discuss the investigation.
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