House Financial Services Subcommittee Issues Testimony From Puerto Rico Housing Secretary Ensenat
"Chairman Green, Ranking Member Barr, Members of the Committee, thank you very much for the invitation to appear before you today regarding the administration of disaster recovery funds in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.
"I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you all for the overwhelming support the
"I would also like to thank our partners at HUD. Secretary Carson, Assistant Secretary
"I'd also like to extend my sincere appreciation to
"As Secretary of the
"program which changes from disaster appropriation to appropriation, is in a class all its own. We were very fortunate to find contractors who could guide us through the maze and help translate our vision into actionable plans. As we reflect on lessons learned, however, it should not be this hard.
"From the moment the dollars were appropriated, even before the HUD allocation, we sprang into action working on preparing the myriad of required documents and then soliciting comments from stakeholders.
"All in all, we have been allocated almost
"This has been frustrating, but we are working very well with our partners at HUD and we are in agreement on the path forward. While we lost some time due to the shutdown, HUD staff worked quickly to get the approvals completed once the federal government reopened giving us full access to our first tranche of funding,
"Our first amendment to the action plan has been approved, but we are currently waiting for a grant agreement from HUD to give us access to this next tranche of
"All we ask for with these agreements is equity and parity with our sister states on the mainland. We look forward to reporting back you
"We are also waiting on federal register notices for the
"It's notable that the one-year anniversary of the appropriation of the mitigation money was on
"Some have said this mitigation money is for the future and not an immediate need. That may or may not be true, but planning takes time with CDBG. Since the rules can change from notice to notice, we need to see how these dollars can fit with other dollars. But, again, I know HUD is working hard to get this notice out. I'm consistently amazed by the amount of work they do with such limited staff.
"And while we'd like to have those notices now for planning purposes, we have our plates full as well. Currently, we are busy working on deploying the funding we have in hand.
"In order to assist homeowners repairing damaged homes and/or rebuilding substantially damaged homes in non-hazard areas, we've created the Homeowner Repair, Reconstruction, or Relocation (R3) program and allocated
"Another significant challenge we have in
"A balanced recovery must include renters. Toward that end, we've created a CDBG-DR Low Income Housing Tax Credit fund of
"We've also created a
"We're creating a
"And we're investing in Housing Counseling Programs with
"We're also investing
"We're creating a
"We're also creating a Small Business Financing and Incubator and Accelerator program by investing
"We will be investing in our people with an investment in a workforce training program of
"We are also investing
"We'll be investing in our agricultural community as well through a
"Critically, we will also be investing in Tourism & Business Marketing with
"We will also invest in strategic projects and commercial redevelopment with
"We are investing
"We will also invest
"A key lesson learned from Maria and Irma was the need for more centers where people can go during an extreme weather event. We will be investing
"We have also reserved up to
"federal cost share for the
"While we are rebuilding homes and buildings, we believe it is also important to revitalize cities. So we will be investing
"We have also learned from HUD's rebuild by design programs of the past and we are creating "
"And keeping with that effort, we will announce whole community resilience planning with an investment of
"So as you can see, we have a lot to do and there are a lot of pieces for us to fit together. Predictability is critically important. This brings me to the "Reforming Disaster Recovery Act." I am fully supportive of any effort to make disaster recovery easier. Having an authorized program and processes in place would help that cause, but I have a few concerns.
"Flexibility is one of the greatest aspects of the CDBG-DR framework. Understandably, with flexibility comes complexity. However, just because monitoring a complex program is hard does not mean we should remove the
"flexibility that allows grantees to meet the unique, pressing recovery needs of our jurisdictions.
"Requiring HUD to determine what is "equitable" distribution between activities and geographic distribution for a grantee, based on
"Removing grantee ability to reclassify eligible projects as the recovery matures and evolves removes maximum feasible deference.
"Placing complaint resolution in the hands of non-profits provides governing authority to non-governmental organizations, which could tie the hands of grantees in the recovery process. This is something we must proceed very cautiously with because it is the states, by and large, who are responsible for the spending of these federal monies.
"One suggestion to alleviate complexity and create some speed might be standardization. Standardized off-the-shelf procurement guidance will enable grantees to bring on help quickly and in a compliant fashion.
"Perhaps standardizing program elements as well? As you can imagine, gaining rapid access to funds is key to any recovery. One recommendation to consider would be to provide for pre-approved housing programs to be utilized for immediate permanent housing repair while action plans are created, reviewed, and approved for the balance of funds.
"The coordination of data is critical as well. To be useful, data needs to be real-time and address household-specific impact. Ideally, there would be a shared disaster recovery database between
"The bill requires grantees to report data up; but does not provide the same level of reciprocity for full data-sharing. The language of the bill should accomplish the same level of reciprocity. Data sharing must be two ways.
"So Mr. Chairman, the enactment of a long-term regulatory framework for CDBG-DR is a good thing. However, it should be built to ease the pace and efficiency of recovery by grantees, not hamstring it. But above all it must be fair. The rules for one grantee should be the same for another. Perhaps the authorized program might alleviate the occasional inconsistencies we currently see.
"Again, thank you all for inviting me to appear before you today and thank you for your continued partnership as we seek not just to recover from these horrific storms, but to transform the future of
"Thank you."
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