Hearing him out: As he further investigates Donald Trump, Alvin Bragg rightly brings Michael Cohen back
We’ve made no bones about it: When, much to the chagrin of prosecutors who’d been building a case for months,
But Bragg’s been steadily redeeming himself since. The DA took the
Prosecutors ought never go on long, politically motivated hunts to try to bring down white whales, whether they’re named Biden, Trump or anything else. But if there’s a credible case that Trump broke the law — and if the DA can demonstrate that he’d have prosecuted more ordinary fish in the sea who engaged in similar misconduct — charges should be brought.
Cohen comes with more baggage than could fit into the trunk of one of the yellow cabs whose medallions he used to own. For years, he amorally did the bidding of Trump. Then he lied to
As Bragg now seems to understand, none of that means Cohen doesn’t have real and relevant information about potential crimes committed by his former boss and other associates. It took murderer Sammy “The Bull” Gravano to bring down
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