Geneva Association: Population Aging Is Social, Economic Opportunity
"The accelerated aging of the population pyramid is undoubtedly a great challenge that our societies face in the coming decades, but it also represents a great opportunity in economic and social terms."
MAPFRE's vice chairman,
The conference features renowned experts in aspects related to aging, such as
Details of the complete program contents and how to register for the live stream can be found here.
Insurers, as experts in managing the future, are called upon to play a strategic role in this new environment of extended longevity, both by managing the economic resources that are going to be increasingly necessary to face this augmented life expectancy, and through the provision of services related to the insurance protection of those people who will be able to continue leading active lives for many years after their retirement.
As Baeza explained at the opening of the event, it is expected that "by 2050 the number of people over 65 will be more than double the number of children under 12 years of age, with all that this entails for public pension systems."
When managed correctly, however, increased longevity can also be a powerful source of economic growth, and the way to make this happen is to redefine the very concept and meaning of aging, in order to make way for a powerful and positive social and economic transformation. Sooner or later, societies and production models are going to have to adapt to this silver revolution. The Silver Economy will comprise "young people", aged 70, 80 or older, who want to, and who can, continue contributing to their respective societies, consuming all manner of goods and services and enjoying an active life. And we need them to continue doing so, so that they keep on contributing to further economic growth that benefits us all.
With this vision, to help societies adapt to positively manage greater longevity, Fundacion MAPFRE's Ageingnomics Research Center was set up two years ago, and has to date made considerable progress in its study and dissemination of the aging revolution and the implications for society.
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