GAO Issues Report: Abusive Tax Schemes – IRS Could Improve Its Reviews of Offshore Insurance Audits and Investigations
Here are excerpts of summaries associated with the report.
What GAO Found: "To encourage voluntary compliance with tax laws concerning offshore insurance arrangements, the
One offshore insurance issue that
* Managerial reviews: These consist of various types of written reviews, including in-process case reviews and workload reviews, among others, performed by the managers overseeing the audit.
* Quality reviews: These are conducted by independent reviewers outside of the audit work-stream to ensure that all processes meet
Why GAO Did This Study: "Tax evasion schemes involving offshore insurance are complex and resource-intensive for
GAO was asked to review how
GAO reviewed
What GAO Recommends: "GAO is making seven recommendations to improve how
The report was sent to Sen.
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To: The Honorable
Federal law generally allows
However, when structured in abusive ways, offshore insurance products can be designed to hide
These abusive tax schemes can involve sophisticated tax shelters, devised and marketed to taxpayers by accountants, estate planners, and attorneys. These arrangements also may be constructed or recommended by professionals who have established relationships with taxpayers.
The federal government has lost significant amounts of revenue to abuse of insurance products. For example, in 2016,
You asked us to review what guidance
* reviews its guidance on offshore insurance to ensure that the guidance has its intended effect;
* aligns oversight of its audit activities on taxpayers who may be abusing micro-captive insurance tax shelters with its audit policies and guidance;/4 and
* reviews its investigation activities on promoters who market abuses of micro-captive insurance tax shelters./5
In addition to these objectives, in appendix I of this report, we describe available data sources on offshore insurance companies and related transactions and discuss whether
To assess the extent to which
To assess the extent to which
Based on the findings of our initial review, we obtained the relevant criteria to evaluate
We selected these criteria based on the IRM and other agency guidance documents for conducting micro-captive insurance audits. We then identified and requested a non-generalizable sample of 30
In addition, we reviewed
To assess the extent to which
For a more detailed discussion of our methodology, see appendix II.
We conducted this performance audit from
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
See footnotes here:
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Tax arrangements involving micro-captive offshore insurance can be complex and contribute to the tax gap when abused. To better ensure taxpayer and promoter compliance with the laws governing offshore insurance arrangements, while at the same time ensuring the best use of existing
To this end, SB/SE has opportunities to better target micro-captive audits with managerial reviews, while LB&I could benefit from formally documenting managerial reviews of audits and using such documentation to resolve detected deficiencies. Additionally,
Similar opportunities exist for investigations concerning promoters of micro-captive insurance tax schemes. As with audits,
By taking actions to ensure the quality of audits and promoter investigations,
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Recommendations for Executive Action
We are making the following seven recommendations to
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should have SB/SE provide more specific guidance on when SB/SE should use various managerial review tools and the frequency with which such reviews should be conducted on high-priority matters such as those surrounding micro-captive insurance arrangements. (Recommendation 1)
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should have LB&I adopt formal managerial reviews of its audits and establish methods and procedures for recording and analyzing managerial review data that allow it to isolate high-priority cases, including micro-captive insurance audits, and use the data to assess the quality of its audits. (Recommendation 2)
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should have SB/SE and LB&I subject a sample of their micro-captive insurance audits to a formal quality review process. Based on the findings of this review, SB/SE and LB&I should take corrective action to remedy any deficiencies. (Recommendation 3)
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should have SB/SE design and implement an identification and tracking method in EQRS to allow agency officials to readily identify and compare managerial reviews of micro-captive promoter investigations, both to other micro-captive promoter investigations, and promoter investigations generally, and use the data to assess the quality of its promoter investigations. (Recommendation 4)
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should have LB&I adopt formal managerial reviews of micro-captive insurance promoter investigations, establish a reliable way to store and track managerial review data of promoter investigations that allows it to isolate high priority cases, issue guidance on how often and by what method such investigations should be subjected to managerial review, and use the data to assess the quality of its promoter investigations. (Recommendation 5)
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should have SB/SE develop a method to assess the quality of promoter investigations and apply this method to micro-captive promoter investigations. Based on these reviews, SB/SE should take corrective action to remedy any deficiencies uncovered in its analysis. (Recommendation 6)
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should have LB&I establish and implement metrics on promoter investigation quality and subject a set of micro-captive promoter penalty investigations to formal quality review procedures to establish a baseline measure of micro-captive promoter investigation quality. Based on these reviews, LB&I should take corrective action to remedy any deficiencies uncovered in its analysis. (Recommendation 7)
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Agency Comments and Our Evaluation
We provided a draft of this report to
In its letter,
We respect
We summarize
* Recommendation 1: After receiving our draft report,
* Recommendation 2:
* Recommendation 3:
* Recommendation 4:
* Recommendation 5:
* Recommendation 6:
* Recommendation 7:
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The text of the GAO report is available at
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