FreedomWorks Applauds Lawsuit Charging ObamaCare Unconstitutional Due to Tax Reform
Targeted News Service
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 -- FreedomWorks issued the following statement by President Adam Brandon on the lawsuit from 20 states, led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel:
"Who knew tax reform was good for more than economic growth and keeping more money in our pockets? Apparently Republican Attorneys General knew! The tax is the only way the Supreme Court could justify the coercion of the individual mandate, and that's gone now."
Director of FreedomWorks Foundation's Regulatory Action Center, and the first State Attorney General to sue on Obamacare on March 23, 2010, **Ken Cuccinelli **made the following statement: "State Attorneys General were on the frontlines attacking Obamacare while Congress sat on its hands, and now that Congress has failed to repeal ObamaCare again, the AGs are back to hopefully end Obamacare's destruction of America's health care! Thank goodness there are still Republican defenders of the Constitution somewhere in government!"
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