Frederick Fisher of Fisher Consulting Group to be Featured on Close Up Radio
Unfortunately, many professionals and consumers come to find they are underinsured.
If you're not familiar with insurance, and most people aren't, can you rely on an insurance agent or broker to tell you what you need to know?
The truth, according to
“What you're really buying is how the company responds when you think your claim should be covered,” says Fisher. “Wholesale brokers typically advertise themselves as a skilled team of first-class professionals with unrivaled expertise, but when they are sued, these same brokers will claim they are merely a conduit filling an order.”
Fisher has spent decades in the insurance industry. He spent the first 20 years of his career as a professional liability claims investigator. Through
“I have always been concerned with the financial security of my customer,” says Fisher. “That's how I conducted our business affairs when I ran a claims company and it’s how I ran an insurance brokerage.
“It’s about providing financial protection, not just selling some insurance,” says Fisher. “Too many businesses are focused on revenue. They don't care what they sell. This is what distinguishes us from our competitors. Because we held ourselves as experts, we delivered expertise. They wanted to sell insurance. We provided financial security.”
Specialty lines insurance is a complicated area of insurance and highly specialized, geared towards certain types of professionals such as insurance agents and brokers, lawyers, real estate agents and brokers, as well as architects, accountants and engineers.
“My entire career has been about making sure that the policy provided is what any reasonable person would expect it to cover, whether you are a doctor, lawyer or an architect,” says Fisher. “The policy wording is critically important.”
Today, Fisher provides his expertise to help others provide the same to their clients.
Close Up Radio will feature
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