EPA Proposes Expanded Cleanup of Contaminated Groundwater at CPS/Madison Superfund Site in Old Bridge, New Jersey
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Today, the
Natural processes are expected to reduce the levels of contaminants in the portion of the site that lies between the area of groundwater remediation and the municipal drinking water wells located at neighboring
The proposed plan requires restrictions on how the site can be used in the future to ensure that activities at the site do not interfere with the cleanup. Groundwater use at the site has been restricted until it meets water quality standards.
Written comments may be mailed or emailed to:
Email: [email protected]
(212) 637-4412
The CPS/Madison Industries Superfund site is located at
Bridge and includes two chemical and manufacturing facilities located on 35 acres. CPS Chemical plant operated until 2001.
NJDEP has previously taken several actions at the site. In 1991, NJDEP directed both CPS and Madison to install interim groundwater recovery systems to contain the spread of groundwater contamination and protect the
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“I often suggest Tennesseans look at Washington as if it were a split screen television. On one side of the screen, you’ll see the controversies of the day – the crisis at the border or the special counsel’s report. But on the other side, you’ll see results that improve the lives of every American. In the last two years, Congress and President Trump passed the first major tax reform in 31 years, landmark opioids legislation and record funding for research. And I’m working in a bipartisan way to lower Tennesseans health care costs and ensure college degrees are worth students’ time and money.”
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