Consumer Watchdog: CA Dept. Of Insurance Failed To Search For Records Linked To Government Corruption Scandal
The non-profit Consumer Watchdog has filed an appeal in its California Public Records Act ("PRA") lawsuit against Insurance Commissioner
According to the lawsuit, the Department failed to search for records of meetings and communications with worker's compensation insurer Applied Underwriters ("Applied") and three other companies involved in a government corruption scandal.
Consumer Watchdog appealed a ruling by
Download ( Consumer Watchdog's brief.
"Our California Constitution guarantees the public's access to government records. Yet, state agencies routinely abuse disclosure laws," said Consumer Watchdog Litigation Director
In early 2019, individuals linked to Applied and three other companies made at least
In the wake of statewide news reports of the pay-to-play scandal, Consumer Watchdog filed two PRA requests with the Department seeking communications and meeting records.
Because Consumer Watchdog could not and did not know, and still does not know, the names of all the individuals involved, the group sought records relating to certain named individuals as well as any other individuals "employed by or representing" Applied.
The trial court committed reversible error in determining that under the PRA, an agency need not follow up on evidence of additional records discovered in the course of its own search, according Consumer Watchdog's brief.
As noted in the brief,
"In response to the CPRA requests, the
The trial court also erred by narrowly assessing the reasonableness of the agency's search for records based on the limited knowledge of the handful of Department staff responsible for responding to Consumer Watchdog's CPRA requests, rather than agency personnel familiar with the documents.
To remedy these errors and ensure that the public continues to have access to all types of public records, Consumer Watchdog's appeal requests that the
The appeal, Consumer Watchdog v.
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