Comment: It's far too early to count out DeSantis; or others
But as DeSantis certainly knows, while slow starts in nationwide polls aren't helpful, they can be overcome.
DeSantis may or may not wind up a serious challenger for the nomination in 2024, but in
The story DeSantis would perhaps most like to mimic would be that of
Obama (like DeSantis in 2022) got off to a strong start and established himself in a top group with Clinton and Edwards, but then spent the fall of 2007 failing to make any progress and actually falling further behind Clinton. It wasn't until he won the
There was an even more spectacular rebound in that election on the Republican side. Sen.
There have been plenty of other candidates who were faring poorly in the year before the election who went on to win the nomination, or at least managed to put their early struggles behind them. Take Sen.
The lesson that candidates can surge from weak early polling might be even more relevant to Republican candidates such as Sen.
Of course, some candidates never recover from early setbacks.
As much as these precedents teach us, it isn't clear how much they will apply to the current campaign. We've never had a former president vie for the nomination in the modern era. We've never had a front-runner indicted, with more indictments potentially to come.
(For example: Is Trump unbeatable because he managed to win with almost no support from key players in the
To challenge Trump, DeSantis more than anything will need to cultivate the support of influential party players. That effort, largely invisible to voters, involves convincing people within the party that he will be a good general-election candidate and also be a good Republican president, successfully advancing the party agenda and priorities if he wins. He has already at least partially accomplished one important aspect of the process, which is to convince everyone that he has a chance to win the nomination; few party actors with any sway want to waste their influence on supporting a go-nowhere candidate.
Or at least that's what the old rules dictated. DeSantis is a big-state governor off to what would normally be a solid start as a presidential candidate. He already has lined up a huge cash arsenal that can be put toward his campaign. His very conservative record doesn't have any obvious disqualifications for Republican voters.
(Trump was nominated in 2016 even though he lacked conventional credentials and had no history of support for many policy positions that the
Whether his particular emphasis on social conservative hot-button issues, such as attacking
That said, the most notable thing right now is that most candidates who seemed to be running a few months ago are still at it. This suggests they don't think Trump has the contest wrapped up; and that they also don't think that Trump and DeSantis are the only plausible nominees.
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