Cincinnati posted city workers' data online
Personal information for more than 2,000 current and former
The employee data includes names, addresses, insurance information and, in some cases,
The mistake occurred, they said, when the city posted a request for dental and vision insurance providers to submit proposals to cover city employees.
City spokesman
Merz said data for about 2,000 current employees and some additional former employees was posted because of the error. Merz said the incident did not affect
City officials notified employees whose data was exposed
He said city officials do not believe any of the exposed information was accessed or misused in any way.
But because it was available online for 11 days, the city mailed letters Friday to all affected city employees and will offer them two years of free credit monitoring and identity theft coverage.
Interim City Manager
"Upon learning of this, the city immediately launched an investigation and has taken every step necessary to address the incident," Curp said. "The city is committed to providing impacted individuals the resources to protect themselves and their dependents."
Avoiding data breaches is challenging for public and private companies
Protecting personal information online is increasingly challenging, for both private companies and public institutions. A data breach involving a contractor in March made it impossible for Cincinnati Water Works customers to pay their bills online for about two weeks.
Similar breaches or attacks have impacted
No way to know who accessed information that was exposed
Though the error that exposed
Merz said the city is reviewing its policies and processes for handling sensitive information and will require additional training. He said the matter also will be reported to the
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