Capito, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Recover Hundreds of Billions in Unchecked Unemployment Fraud
Last week,
"It's important that funding meant to help American workers after their jobs were put on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic be distributed the way it was intended, not to those who would illegally manipulate the system to enrich themselves,"
The Protecting Taxpayers and Victims of Unemployment Fraud Act would advance efforts to claw back federal funds stolen through UI fraud and pursue recovery of fraudulent payments by ensuring identification, investigation, and prosecution of criminal fraud in pandemic unemployment programs. It also gives the federal government and states better tools to detect and prevent future fraud in federal UI programs. The
The Protecting Taxpayers and Victims of Unemployment Fraud Act:
* Allows states to keep 25% of recovered fraudulent overpayments of federal funds.
* Allows states to use recovered funds to improve program integrity and fraud prevention.
* Allows states to keep 5% of state UI overpayments, conditioned on meeting data matching integrity conditions, and dedicating those funds to preventing future fraud.
* Extends the statute of limitations for criminal charges or civil actions from 5 to 10 years.
Full text of the bill can be found here (
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Original text here:
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