Vanderbilt Poll: Tennesseans support Medicare expansion, gun reform
The latest semiannual, statewide Vanderbilt Poll reflects that the election had little impact on Tennesseans' stances on key issues.
A notable exception was increased approvals for state lawmakers since May, despite often holding positions on some issues that are out of step with Tennesseans.
Registered voters in
Widespread support continues for women's health and reproductive care, with more than half of Tennesseans identifying as pro-choice and robust support for some specific allowances for abortion. Also notable was the misalignment between the public and the state government's action and inaction on issues including gun reform and legalization of recreational marijuana, both of which have bipartisan backing.
"While much ink has been spilled about what the election results mean about the electorate, these results suggest little change in the opinions of Tennesseans, which means the misalignment between voters and elected officials continues," said
Tennesseans are divided on whether the state is on the right track or the wrong track — 50% and 46%, respectively.
Views vary greatly by gender, with 60% of men believing the state is on the right track, compared to 41% of women. Independents were roughly split on their view of the direction of the state. Three-quarters of non-MAGA Republicans view the state as on the right track — five points higher than MAGA Republicans — while 80% of
Since the fall of 2022, the Vanderbilt Poll has asked self-identified Republican registered voters whether they view themselves more as a supporter of the
"On the face of it, this would seem to indicate
State official approval
The Vanderbilt Poll revealed that 53% of registered voters surveyed approve of the job the
"Tennesseans expressed increased satisfaction with their state officials as well as the
These marked increases were not reflected in presidential ratings, with President
Women's and reproductive healthcare
While registered voters in
Since first being polled on this topic by Vanderbilt, Tennesseans' identification as pro-choice has climbed from 37% in 2012 to 48% a decade later in
Support for exceptions was even more pronounced. When asked if abortion should be legal in cases of rape, 82% of registered voters said yes — the same figure for if a fetus could not survive outside the womb because of medical issues. For incest, 81% of voters polled said abortion should be legal. Each of these scenarios had strong majority support across the partisan spectrum.
When it comes to IVF (in vitro fertilization), 87% of
Guns and cannabis
There continues to be a misalignment between
Regarding the medicinal or recreational legalization of marijuana, bills have been before the
"All four gun reform options tested in this poll gained strong support from Tennesseans," Clinton said. "They by and large support legislative action to increase the regulation of guns — including requiring owners to report lost and stolen guns and limiting gun access for individuals at high risk of harming themselves or others."
A full 86% of
The Vanderbilt Poll revealed that Tennesseans oppose, 3-to-1, expanding the right to carry long guns such as hunting rifles, assault rifles and shotguns. Opposition increased slightly from 71% in May of this year to 74% today. Laws that would require gun owners to store firearms securely in their vehicle or home see similar levels of support at 69% and 67%, respectively.
Women consistently supported gun reforms at higher rates than men — from 16 to 29 percentage points higher.
Medicaid expansion
When asked if they support a state expansion of Medicaid to cover more low-income and uninsured people, 73% of registered voters strongly agreed or somewhat agreed, including a majority of
Tennesseans' support of access to care wasn't limited to Medicaid. Eighty-eight percent of voters surveyed agreed that mental health access should be a top priority for the state. This opinion enjoyed a strong majority across all party affiliations and demographics.
On federal healthcare issues,
When it comes to the parties deemed responsible for high healthcare costs in
"These numbers are a positive indicator of approval for
Other notable findings
Deportation — Whether someone living in the country illegally has a criminal record dramatically changes Tennesseans' views about deportation. If they have a criminal record, 84% of voters strongly or somewhat support deportation, cutting across all affiliations and demographics. If the individual does not have a criminal record, support decreases dramatically. Those who are neutral double when the individual does not have a criminal record.
Economic worry —
Election confidence — Registered voters in
Democracy in danger — Similarly, views about threats to democracy are largely shaped by political affiliation and the outcome of the election. Views of American democracy being under attack eased from 63% in May to 52% in December. In May, 5% of respondents said American democracy isn't in danger, which increased to 12% in this poll.
Education — Tennesseans believe education should be the top priority for the state government, with 1% selecting it above all other issues; however, there is no clear direction on the school voucher issue. Forty-seven percent support vouchers, 44% oppose and 7% are neutral.
Climate change — There is no real shift in views on climate change among registered voters in
Nuclear power — Tennesseans show support for nuclear power as a way to generate low-carbon energy. Such findings are important as power companies, including the
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