August 2023 Real Estate Transactions
Home Ownership Blues … moving vans gone, furniture set in place, bags unpacked just relaxing in your new home and now you receive your first utility bill, Oh my! Shocked by the amount. I believe we all have these reactions and look at ways to lessen the shock next month. I recently ran across the following article from M Tracey, contributing editor of Realtor® Magazine, Eight Ways to passively cool your home, office.
As temperatures soar in many areas across the country, homeowners are looking for relief while also keeping their utility bills in check.
"Surprisingly, there are things you can do to keep cool while maintaining your energy costs and, in turn, energy usage by maximizing efficiency of cooling systems through DIY home maintenance and upgrades," Wilson says. He offers the following tips:
1. Close the blinds. Using window coverings can reduce heat entering the home by up to 77 percent, according to the
2. Open interior doors. This will allow air to move freely throughout the house, Wilson says. However, "if there's a room in your home with a lot of windows, keeping the door closed is the best way to keep cool air inside," he adds.
3. Run ceiling fans in reverse. Have a fan rotating counterclockwise so that it pushes air down to the floor and creates a cool breeze for the room. Ceiling fans can help lessen the burden on your air conditioner.
4. Install window film. This can help block heat while still retaining light and not interrupting views from the home. Add this special film around the windows to help reduce cool air from escaping your home.
5. Remove incandescent
lightbulbs. These bulbs produce as much heat as they do light. Instead, use compact fluorescent lamps and LED lighting, Wilson suggests.
6. Watch your electronic usage. Many electronics can give off heat. "If you're not using the printer, toaster or microwave, it might make sense to leave it unplugged," particularly in the evening when you're not using them, Wilson says. Also, avoid using appliances that let off excessive heat, such as a dryer, until temperatures drop in the evening. This will help avoid bringing extra heat inside your home.
7. Check your home's insulation. Insulation isn't just for heating a home; it can help cool it, too. "Insulation is a layer of material in your walls, ceiling, floor and roof that moderates the temperature inside your home," Wilson says. "It helps block the heat from entering your home."
8. Use houseplants to absorb heat. Place sun-loving plants in the windows. They can help absorb solar energy, Wilson says. In fact, a NASA Study shows that plants can "sweat," which ultimately helps remove heat from your indoor air and provides a subtle cooling effect.
As we look at the Plant City housing data,
In August our average sold price was
30-year average mortgage rates came in for the month of August at 7.07 percent a 3.1 percent increase over July's average.
If you are in the market to buy or sell your home, please seek an experienced professional Realtor® to assist you in this transaction process. There are too many consequences, going it alone without proper representation. Get the real scoop on our market. If you have any questions, want a market value analysis of your home, or see what's available to purchase, please reach out.
M Crawford
Sales Snapshot
The following residential properties were a sample listed as sold on the Greater Tampa Realtors Association MLS in
The home at 2705 Wilder Park Dr sold
The home at
The home at
The home at 3009 Oakview Ln sold
The home at
The home at
The home at 3519 Wild Bramble Ct sold
The home at 2745 Horseshoe Dr sold
The home 401 Hemlock Dr sold
The home at 1605 Teakwood Dr sold
The home at
The home at 3319 Ranchdale Dr sold
The home at 2702 Pine Club Dr sold
The home at
The home at 2108 N Golfview Dr sold
The home at
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