American Travelers Lose Confidence In Cruise Ships’ Ability To Handle Medical Emergencies
When asked for their estimate of the cost of an air ambulance evacuation to the
"While cruising has become an increasingly popular vacation choice among Americans, consumers are wary of cruise lines' ability to care for them during a medical emergency," said
Among other findings, 38% of consumers surveyed thought that travel insurance is more important when booking a cruise than it is for other types of travel.
The survey also found that more than two-thirds of respondents (68.2 percent) would prefer to spend all or most of their time exploring their destination instead of staying aboard the cruise ship, a slight increase from last year (65.6 percent). However, safety concerns with the destination were still the top reason (35.7 percent) cruisers would be hesitant to disembark at port. Other reasons include disinterest in the destination (18.4 percent), fear of not getting back on the ship in time (14.1 percent), previously having visited the destination (11.4 percent), taking advantage of the all-inclusive food and drinks on board (9.7 percent), not having pre-booked an off-board activity (7 percent) and lack of Internet/mobile connectivity (3.7 percent).
Allianz's wave season survey also analyzed trends such as themed cruises, finding that more than a quarter of respondents (31.5 percent) were not interested in food, pop culture or music-themed cruises. Fewer respondents are interested in adventure or expedition cruises to places like
Almost three quarters (74.2 percent) of those surveyed expressed interest in river cruises over ocean cruises thanks to more scenic routes (21.5 percent), lack of waves (13.5 percent), easier disembarking (13.4 percent), smaller ship sizes (12.2 percent), shore excursions being included in the price (9.8 percent), and socializing opportunities (3.8 percent). Only 25.8 percent shared that despite the unique attributes of a river cruise, they would still prefer ocean cruising.
*Methodology: This 10-question survey was administered to the U.S. internet population from
1. If you were to get sick on a cruise, do you think the cruise line would be equipped to handle serious medical emergencies?
- 44.5% - Yes, I think cruise lines are equipped
- 55.5% - No, I don't think cruise lines are equipped
2. If a cruise were to disembark you in
- 25.7% -
$0-$10,000 - 26.1% -
$10,001-$20,000 - 17.1% -
$20,001-$30,000 - 9.0% -
$30,001-$40,000 - 4.8% -
$40,001-$50,000 - 17.3% -
$50,001 or higher
3. Do you think it's more or less important to purchase travel insurance before a cruise versus any other type of trip?
- 38.8% - I think it's more important
- 14.0% - I think it's less important
- 47.2% - I think the importance is equal
4. If you were to take a cruise anywhere, to what extent would you prefer to stay on the ship versus get off the ship to explore the destinations?
- 5.5% - Entire time on the ship
- 26.4% - Majority on ship with some destination time
- 37.7% - Majority in destination with some ship time
- 30.5% - Entire time exploring the destination
5. When taking a cruise, what would be your main reason for not wanting to disembark at the ports to explore the destinations?
- 35.7%- Safety concerns with the destination
- 18.4% - Disinterest in the destination
- 14.1% - Fear of not getting back to the ship on time
- 11.4% - Having visited the destination previously
- 9.7% - Inclusive food/drinks on the ship
- 7.0% - Not having pre-booked an off-board activity
- 3.7% - Lack of internet/mobile connectivity
6. Would you be more or less interested in taking a cruise if it was themed (ex: music cruises, foodie cruises, pop culture cruises like
- 16.4% - More interested
- 31.5% - Less interested
- 52.1% - Unchanged
7. What attribute of a river cruise would make you prefer to take a river cruise over an ocean cruise?
- 21.5% - It's more scenic/You can see the shore line
- 13.5% - No waves
- 13.4% - Easier to disembark/On land every day
- 12.2% - Smaller ships
- 9.8% - Shore excursions included in the price
- 3.8% - More socializing opportunities
- 25.8% - None, I prefer ocean cruising
8. Would you be more interested in taking an adventure or expedition cruise to destinations like
- 43.8% - More interested in adventure or expedition
- 56.2% - More interested in sunny beach
9. If you were to take a cruise, how many days in advance would you plan to arrive in the departure city of your cruise?
- 20.7% - 0, I'd arrive the same day
- 40.2% - 1
- 15.2% - 2
- 7.4% - 3
- 3.5% - 4
- 2.3% - 5
- 10.6% - 6 or more
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