American Property Casualty Insurance Association Statement on U.S. Department of Transportation National Roadway Safety Strategy
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"APCIA is pleased that the DOT is focused on reducing transportation-related fatalities and serious injuries across the transportation system as a top priority in its Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-2026.
"Issues of vehicle and roadway safety innovation are very important to insurers, including safety, information sharing and appropriate division of oversight of automated driving system technologies between the federal government and the states. America's insurers have long been at the front lines of historic safety advancements like seat belts, airbags, and crumple zones. We are proud to be at the leading edge of auto safety and resiliency in the 21st Century.
"Specifically, APCIA supports improvements in Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems technology already being adopted by auto manufacturers seeking to meet consumer demand for safer vehicles. Additionally, APCIA supports efforts by the Secretary of Transportation to conduct research on driver distraction, disengagement, automation complacency, and foreseeable misuse of advanced driver assist systems. These improvements are a critical component of comprehensive safety measures integrating driver experience and road conditions.
"APCIA recognizes the need to improve road design and safety features and supports the Under the Highway Safety Improvement Program, which provides for the installation or upgrade of traffic control devices intended to reduce crashes between motor-vehicles and non-motorists.
"APCIA applauds revised roadway design standards that incorporate consideration for all road users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transit users, children, and others in a manner that is tailored to the context of the location rather than a 'one size fits all' approach. APCIA supported the 'Complete Streets' infrastructure safety model to ensure safe and adequate accommodation of all users of transportation systems.
"APCIA continues to engage on issues of safety and innovation related to the
"Insurers are committed to their role in supporting the financial security of families, individuals, and businesses as well as protecting lives and property. Together, we can move the economy forward and build a safer tomorrow, protecting what matters most."
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