American Economic Journal – Microeconomics Issues Research Articles in February 2021 Edition
Targeted News Service
NASHVILLE, Tennessee, Jan. 30 -- The American Economic Journal - Microeconomics, a peer reviewed journal that says it focuses on microeconomic theory, industrial organization and microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy and finance from the American Economic Association, issued research articles in its February 2021 edition:
* Generalized Model of Advertised Sales
* Leverage Theory of Tying in Two-Sided Markets with Nonnegative Price Constraints
* Liability Insurance: Equilibrium Contracts under Monopoly and Competition
* Organizing Time Exchanges: Lessons from Matching Markets
* Prediction: The Long and the Short of It
* Sequential Preference Revelation in Incomplete Information Settings
* Wait-and-See or Step In? Dynamics of Interventions
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