2025 Corporate Sustainability Report
2025 Corporate Sustainability Report
Introduction Governance and Leadership Our People Empowering Communities Environmental Management Appendix
Letter From Our CEO
At MGIC, we believe that sustainable, accessible homeownership is a cornerstone of financial security and strong communities.
For decades, our product - private mortgage insurance (PMI) - has helped families purchase homes sooner than they otherwise could, allowing them to invest in their futures and build generational wealth. This mission is as important today as ever - especially as the path to homeownership remains challenging for many.
Our role in the housing ecosystem carries a responsibility not just to homebuyers but also to the stakeholders who make our work possible - our co-workers, customers, shareholders, community partners and industry organizations. We succeed together, and that success is built on transparency, collaboration and a commitment to long-term impact.
In the following pages, you will see how we bring this mindset to life. Over the past year, we have strengthened our leadership communication and transparency efforts internally, launched a new learning model to enhance professional growth for our co-workers, and deepened our investment in communities through monetary and in-kind donations. We also opened our corporate office doors to key nonprofit partners like
The need for solutions like ours is clear. On average, a household earning the national median income of
a median-priced home. MGIC makes homeownership achievable sooner - helping families make memories today rather than plans for tomorrow.
None of this happens in isolation. Our engaged Board of Directors and corporate leadership help drive our vision, ensuring that MGIC's long-term sustainability is embedded in everything we do. Through their vision - and the collective efforts of our co-workers and partners - we remain focused on maximizing both the value we create for stakeholders and the impact we have on the communities we serve.
Thank you for your continued partnership in this mission. Together, we are not just driving the path to homeownership
- we are strengthening futures.
Introduction Governance and Leadership Our People Empowering Communities Environmental Management Appendix
About MGIC
MGIC takes pride in knowing that our efforts have helped more than 14 million people get the keys to their own homes sooner than otherwise possible.
What is PMI
Private mortgage insurance provides a critical component of the residential mortgage finance system by protecting mortgage lenders from credit losses.
Through our PMI, we provide our customers, which include banks, mortgage bankers, mortgage brokers, credit unions, mortgage loan servicers, mortgage investors, and government-sponsored entities, with credit loss protection. MGIC insures a portion of the mortgage loan in the event of a default. This protection reduces (and, in some instances, eliminates) the losses our customers would experience if a homeowner were to default on a mortgage loan.
How PMI Works
Our core business has been designed to reduce barriers to homeownership by making it possible for a borrower to buy a home sooner, which is especially impactful for first-time homebuyers.
Buying a home usually involves a challenging hurdle for many families: coming up with a sufficient down payment. MGIC's PMI allows borrowers to make a smaller down payment and shorten the time to homeownership. For the average borrower, it can take years to save for the typical 20% down payment. With MGIC's PMI, families can purchase homes with as little as 3% cash down, thus accelerating their access to homeownership.
PMI Fast Facts
Possible Sooner
Down payments as low as 3%
Without PMI, it could take 27 years for a middle-class family to save up for a 20% down payment
More than 800,000 borrowers used PMI to purchase a home or refinance a loan in 2023
- 64% of purchase loans with PMI went to first-time homebuyers
- Nearly 35% of borrowers had annual incomes below
Overcoming the Homebuying Hurdle
PMI allows a borrower to make a smaller down payment than lenders typically require.
Introduction Governance and Leadership Our People Empowering Communities Environmental Management Appendix |
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2025 |
2024 at a Glance1 |
Empowering Communities Through Homeownership
At MGIC, we take pride in knowing that what we do matters.
The value we place on homes and the people in them influences the way we approach our business and our responsibilities. We believe in transparency, honesty and active communication throughout our organization and with our partners and customers as we work together to help families achieve the dream of homeownership.
"Our PMI provides families access to sustainable homeownership sooner, helping to set them and the next generation on more stable financial footing, thereby empowering more secure and resilient communities."
MGIC by the numbers
Enabled homeownership
Total revenue
160,788 homes
New insurance written
1,118,308 homes
Insurance in force
Homes purchased
Homes refinanced
1 As of |
Mortgage Guaranty |
Introduction Governance and Leadership Our People Empowering Communities Environmental Management Appendix
Corporate Sustainability Strategy
As we work to be the best-in-class mortgage credit risk enhancement provider, we seek to create value for our stakeholders through practices and initiatives that are intended to support the long-term sustainability of our business and make us a stronger, more relevant, and profitable enterprise.
Governance and Leadership
We strive to maintain high standards for our business conduct and ethics, customer service, and privacy practices.
Empowering Communities
We aim to make homeownership more accessible and sustainable, thus helping communities flourish.
Our People
We are committed to creating a workplace that fosters a wide array of thought, and a sense of purpose and belonging, where co-workers can thrive, innovate, and attain professional and personal success.
Environmental Management
We endeavor to serve as good stewards of the environment so that we may achieve our goals without compromising the ability of future generations to sustain their needs.
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2025 |
Corporate Sustainability Oversight
As a whole and through its standing committees, our Board of Directors (the Board) sets the tone for our commitment to responsible business practices and sound corporate sustainability management. The Board, supported by 5 committees that meet regularly and report back to the full Board, oversees the various specific risks associated with sustainability matters.
Linking Executive Compensation to Corporate Sustainability
MGIC's executive compensation plan is designed to align the management team with long-term shareholder interests and to support our business strategies. In 2024, 25% of the short-term incentive plan was based on relevant qualitative factors that include capital management, transformation of our business, and our work on corporate sustainability, including doing right by our co-workers. Please see our latest Proxy Statement for more information.
Governance of Corporate Sustainability Matters
Board Oversight
Board of Directors - Responsible for oversight of how our senior management addresses risks associated with material corporate sustainability matters
Board Committee |
Corporate Sustainability Areas of Oversight |
Audit |
Key company risks, including disclosure controls related to our corporate sustainability |
and related reporting |
Business Transformation |
Technology strategies, initiatives, and related risk management, including cybersecurity |
and Technology |
and business continuity |
Corporate governance, executive compensation, and operational risks related to human |
Nominating and Governance |
capital |
Risk Management |
Enterprise risk framework, including oversight of key corporate risks, such as mortgage |
credit risk and climate change risk |
Investment portfolio |
Management Responsibilities
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2025 |
Identifying Our Corporate Sustainability Priorities
Our sustainability strategy and priority areas are informed by insights gleaned from monitoring the evolving landscape surrounding various corporate sustainability factors and our ongoing engagement with stakeholders inside and outside MGIC. Throughout this report, we provide information on our governance of these areas and updates on related initiatives.
Engaging Our Stakeholders
MGIC's corporate sustainability strategy is structured around how we strive to do right by our co-workers, shareholders, customers and communities. Throughout the year, company leaders engage with stakeholders to deepen our understanding of key sustainability topics through a mix of open dialogue, collaboration and transparent disclosure. We listen and leafrom our stakeholders and value their input, which in tuhelps to inform, shape and improve our corporate sustainability strategy and advance our progress.
We regularly invite shareholders who, combined, own approximately 70% of our common stock to meet with us to discuss important topics, such as performance against our business strategies, sustainability matters, and our executive compensation program. We value the views of our shareholders and will continue to engage with them and solicit their feedback.
About this Report
This report covers MGIC's corporate sustainability initiatives and progress during our 2024 fiscal year (FY2024). We have aligned our report with the
Unless otherwise noted, all quantitative company data provided covers our FY2024, reflecting data for the period from
Introduction |
Governance and Leadership Our People Empowering Communities Environmental Management Appendix |
Governance and
We strive to maintain high standards for our business conduct and ethics, customer service, and privacy practices.
MGIC has a long history of governance and leadership that is rooted in both sound business outcomes and high ethical standards. We care about doing things the right way and are conscientious of the impact our actions may have on our stakeholders.
In This Section
Corporate Governance and Business Ethics- - 10 Risk Management - - - - - - - - - - -13 Cybersecurity and Customer Privacy- - - - - - - 14 Vendor Management- - - - - - - - - 16 Investment Management - - - - - - - - 16 Public Policy - - - - - - - - - - - - -17
Introduction |
Governance and Leadership Our People Empowering Communities Environmental Management Appendix |
Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
Board Composition
Our Board composition reflects a solid mix of director characteristics and experiences, perspectives and skills appropriate for creating sustainable value for our shareholders and other stakeholders. The Board actively reviews and manages board succession to ensure the appropriate composition of industry expertise, skills and tenure for the Board as a whole.
Corporate Governance Guidelines
MGIC Board Statistics2
13 |
Tenure |
23% |
31% |
46% |
Total board members |
11 |
3 board |
4 board |
6 board |
members |
members |
members |
less than 5 years |
5 to 10 years |
more than 5 years |
Independent board members |
Age |
8% |
15% |
38% |
38% |
1 board |
2 board |
5 board |
5 board |
member in |
members in |
members |
members |
their 40s |
their 50s |
in their 60s |
in their 70s |
2 For more information on MGIC's Board makeup, please refer to our latest Proxy Statement.
Business Ethics
Our Code of Conduct and Ethics (Code) applies to all regular, on-call and temporary co-workers, who undergo mandatory annual training and certify compliance with the Code. In 2024, 100% of co-workers received this annual training and acknowledged compliance with the Code. Specific groups of co-workers also received additional training designed to manage risks related to their roles and responsibilities within the organization.
The Code addresses key responsible business practices, such as the following:
- Antitrust
- Bribes and improper payments
- Confidential information
- Conflicts of interest
- Copyright and patent laws
- Fair dealing
- Gifts and receiving things of value
- Harassment-freeworkplace
- Individual political activities
- Insider trading
- Nondiscrimination
- Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and state insurance laws
MGIC Code of Conduct and Ethics
Mortgage Guaranty
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Governance and Leadership Our People Empowering Communities |
Reporting Violations of the Code
All co-workers are obligated to report any suspected or actual violations of the Code. MGIC prohibits intimidating or retaliating against anyone who, in good faith, makes a complaint or reports a violation to MGIC. MGIC investigates all good-faith reports of suspected or actual violations, and co-workers are required to cooperate with any such investigation. If a violation is found, appropriate corrective actions will be taken, up to and including termination.
Report Code violations by contacting any of the following:
Chief Compliance Officer
General Counsel
Chief Human Resources Officer
Vice President of Internal Audit
Compliance Hotline, by telephone at 1-833-600-5657 or at mgic.ethicspoint.com
Environmental Management Appendix
The Compliance Hotline is a toll-free phone line and website operated by an outside, independent service provider and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Complaints can be made anonymously, and the confidentiality of complaints will be maintained to the extent possible.
The Compliance Hotline routes complaints to the Audit Committee Chairperson, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, Vice President of Internal Audit, and Assistant General Counsel.
Compliance Monitoring
Compliance with our Code may be monitored through various means, including periodic reviews and investigations performed by the Legal Department, the
Policy Spotlight
In 2024, we introduced "Policy Spotlight" on our intranet, "The Max." Policy Spotlight highlights either a new or existing MGIC policy, seeking to ensure all co-workers are well-informed and educated about the guidelines that shape our work environment. At MGIC, we believe our policies are the backbone of our company, guiding our actions, ensuring consistency, and helping to foster a culture of integrity and excellence.
Proxy Statement (Form DEF 14A)
Proxy Statement (Form DEF 14A)
Advisor News
Annuity News
Health/Employee Benefits News
Life Insurance News