What It Takes To Have A Million-Dollar Day
Imagine you ran a practice in its most brilliant design. You would have a “Million-Dollar Day” that you would command from the start of your journey into the office.
It would start with the way you woke up, and then move on to the way you drove into the office, and then to the care you would take in preparing for clients, the way you’d lead your team and so on. Imagine how you would move through the day with key insights and tools you used to free yourself from the natural psychological tendencies that, in the past, derailed and held you back. Now you move from one thing to the next, aligning with everything purposefully. In order for us to do this, let us take a moment — a very intentional moment — to sit back and let this soak in.
Despite this vision of a Million-Dollar Day, the reality of our current circumstances is grim at best. Much is changing inside the financial world, along with COVID-19 and a variety of other external, yet-to-be named “plot twists.” The real problem is, these things are flooding into your day. Impacting your clients. Creating more instability than necessary.
A Million-Dollar Premium Day or a Million-Dollar Rollover Day, whatever relates to your practice, doesn’t appear by magic. It is deliberately created. It is crafted with intention — with detail, understanding, consistency, and a sprinkle of clarity and intention.
First, before we go too far out onto the magic limb, let’s identify key biological factors that may get in the way of our execution of a Million-Dollar Day. Let’s begin with an example of a common psychological obstacle that we’re all likely to encounter. Neuroscientists discovered that the pain that results from a financial loss affects the same parts of the brain that process mortal threats. That fear of a loss within your business, or even fear about a prospect who won’t complete a sale, places your brain into high alert. Your brain makes you feel as though a saber-toothed tiger is right around the corner, about to pounce at any moment. The brain’s survival mechanisms have a purpose, but they don’t help you when it comes to growing a powerfully aligned practice. No wonder we can’t focus! We constantly throw rocks at things that we perceive as threats.
In order to shift this psychology, the clarity of what a Million-Dollar Premium Day looks like to you will help. Olympic athletes learn that visualizing and imagining their own actions enable them to succeed at the highest levels. Tennis star Billie Jean King and Olympic medal-winning discus thrower Al Oerter were among the first athletes to use this technique back in the 1960s. Some may scoff at this, saying it’s a “woo-woo” practice, but you will be hard pressed to meet a professional athlete who doesn’t use visualization at some level.
An Exercise In Visualization
Begin by visualizing that you have an uncle who would pay you to run his practice. He walks in the door as you are reading this article and says he would like to pay you the commission of a Million-Dollar Premium Day every single day while he’s away on vacation. What would the commission on a million-dollar premium be for you? If your practice is focused on assets under management, what would a million-dollar rollover generate for you? Now begin to let those thoughts flood your nervous system. Don’t worry, these thoughts won’t hurt you! How would you feel if you had the Million-Dollar Day and what would you do with the funds it would generate?
Your uncle then explains that all you would need to do is map out exactly what you would fill your day with to show him that you would be productive and moving his business forward. After all, we can’t just play with his business.
Your mind begins to reel. How would you design your day? Would your phoning be more aligned and more in your personal power than ever before? Perhaps you would set appointments with those A++ clients because you have certainty of being in power. Or perhaps you would go to a country club to schmooze it up with that high-powered exec you’ve been avoiding for months now.
How would you spend your morning with your family? Would knowing that you would receive the proceeds of this Million-Dollar Day change the way you relate to your family? Would it allow for cleaner, intentional mornings?
Maybe you would sit down and take the time to make sure your language and the way you educate clients are clear and confident.
Would you end your day at a certain time or would you spend some time hitting the gym, knowing you need to be in peak physical health?
Take out a piece of paper and commit to 10 minutes of mapping this out in a detailed way to empower your day, your month and your year. Imagine if you committed 48 weeks of to this. That’s right, you would take an extra month of vacation too. Where would you travel to?
Welcome to the chapter of your practice where your brain isn’t operating in survival mode, but in a systematic ability to execute every day!
The first quarter of 2022 went by faster than we expected. That doesn’t mean that the year is over. Sometimes it takes a quarter to master our awareness and to kick up the right keys to clarity. This is your chance to shift and pivot if you choose to. As we step into April, we can shift everything into full throttle. We feel energized; we feel prepared and full of excitement for 2022. We give ourselves the permission to begin again, and it ushers the perfect time to double down, with intention, focus and understanding.
As you begin to imagine what a Million-Dollar Day would be like to you, redefine the next quarter as a beginning of that new energy for you, your practice and your clients.
Rebecca Korn is CEO and founder of RiseReignRule. She specializes in coaching and developing female entrepreneurs. She may be contacted at [email protected].
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