Typically, if you meet a prospect, you want the sale to close quickly. That’s human nature, and it’s understandable, but it’s also not realistic. Sometimes, the best clients are won through hard work and persistence.
A federal appeals court upheld a ruling that the illustrations of the policy charges and interest rates were not deceptive, but left open the question of whether the challenged practices were unlawful or unfair.
Your clients may be relaxing this summer but their retirement funds should be working hard.
Why the life insurance industry must provide senior policyholders with information on exploring alternatives to surrendering or lapsing a policy they no longer need or want. Sixty-seven percent of consumers are interested in more transparent life insurance buying options.
(Bloomberg) Escalating trade tensions are threatening to derail a global upswing that’s already losing momentum amid weaker-than-expected growth in Europe…
Commentary By Erica Davis There are several semi-famous authors and media personalities who push their financial advice to the masses,…
But winners and losers are more likely to be determined by the fundamentals underlying them.
Commentary By John Hutchinson I’m often asked the question, “Who is the ideal candidate for indexed universal life and why?”…
By David Polen If I asked you to name a billion-dollar-selling employee benefit, accident insurance might not be the first…
Disney World offers a lesson in marketing that insurance agents can learn from. The theme park does not stop appealing to customers after they have left, and that comprehensive marketing makes them want to go back.
Sometimes going a non-traditional route and forgoing the typical plan of leaving your agency to heirs means reaching a higher potential than an agency owner could have ever imagined.
Why private placement programs have become a favorite strategy among ultra-wealthy investors.
Clients making a first-time long-term care claim are usually in their 80s or 90s, a new survey finds. The majority of clients receive services in the home, the data shows.
The Trump administration took another punch at the Affordable Care Act by slashing funding for the navigator program that provides…
It is now possible for a wealth of information to be at an insurer’s fingertips, equipping advisors with a better understanding of potential client needs than ever before.
Advisors are in a good position to take the skills that make them successful in business and use them to better the communities in which they live.
Single retirees who work with an advisor are more confident in their retirement security than those who do not. This represents an opportunity for advisors.
Why a parent should consider purchasing life insurance on a child.
Health insurers must guide consumers to the most cost-effective health measures and medical treatments as seamlessly as Amazon Prime serves up suggestions for bedspreads to match the sheets you just bought.
Emotional intelligence plays a critical role in helping clients successfully navigate their financial lives.