CybeReady Supports Security Defenses with CISO Toolkit
CybeReady is making a new CISO Toolkit available to security professionals. The company is utilizing its expertise in cybersecurity training and learning to provide complimentary tools that help CISOs communicate relevant security guidelines to employees to avoid the impact of a successful cybersecurity attack.
With the new toolkit, CISOs have a suite of communication instruments that provide employees with a simple overview of security guidelines, policies and tips, offering easy-to-understand information to help avoid cybersecurity traps. Available in over 11 different languages (English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Bulgarian, Hebrew, Czech and Polish), the CISO Toolkit is especially useful for multi-national organizations. New for 2022, the CISO Toolkit contains employee guidelines on the following topics:
- Zoom Security
- Online Privacy
- Password Security
- Fake News and Rumors
- Remote Work
- COVID-19 related Phishing Emails
- Security in Times of Crisis
- Sextortion - what employees need to know
- Summer tips for Worry-free Vacation
“Security officers are burdened with endless tasks, yet always seek ways to increase employees' cybersecurity awareness, especially in light of new and evolving cyber threats,” said Omer Taran, CTO and Co-founder for CybeReady. “The CISO Toolkit was created to support this endeavor by providing security officers a set of simple tips and guidelines that employees can consume, understand and implement immediately.”
Last month, CybeReady added a new kit to help employees practice A Worry-free Vacation. Topics in this kit cover using Public Computers, using Public Wi-Fi, avoiding and responding to mobile phone theft and backing up critical documents.
For organizations ready to go beyond the CISO Toolkit, CybeReady’s fully-managed security training platform guarantees the fastest risk mitigation by including built-in expertise into the SaaS-based training solution. The platform operates 365 days a year, creating a continuous security culture and elevating the security awareness practice to that of other security solutions that operate year-round. With security teams often overloaded today with a nearly insurmountable number of tasks, CybeReady eases the training burden by providing everything needed to expedite training out-of-the box.