Your Financial Future: Funding Social Security
This worked fine at the beginning because
Today, 67 million beneficiaries receive benefits and 180 million pay into the system. These benefits are an important source of income for many. Although they were never intending to provide all income needs, they represent a much bigger portion for lower income recipients.
Every year, the
We faced a similar situation in 1983. The fund was scheduled to run out of money in 1985.
These are two variables that could be in consideration this time. Also there may be a change in the way cost-of-living benefits are calculated and possibly all wages could be included to be taxed. Currently only wages up to a certain limit are taxable for
Like all government programs, there are only two ways to control the trust fund balance: raise taxes or other sources of income and cut benefits or cash outflows. Neither is popular with many citizens.
Medicaid & Mortality
Information Collections for Claims Processing and Other Purposes Under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (Extension of Currently Approved Data Collections Under OMB No. 1505-0200)
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