Information Collections for Claims Processing and Other Purposes Under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (Extension of Currently Approved Data Collections Under OMB No. 1505-0200)
Notice and request for comments.
Citation: "88 FR 56123"
Page Number: "56123"
Agency: "
SUMMARY: The Secretary of the
Written comments must be received not later than
ADDRESSES: Interested persons may submit comments electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at, in accordance with the instructions on that site. Electronic submissions are encouraged; however, comments may also be mailed to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program, Room MT 1410,
All comments, including attachments and other supporting materials, are part of the public record and subject to public disclosure. You should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. In general,
I. Background The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, as amended (TRIA or the Act), /1/ established the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (TRIP or Program). /2/ The Act establishes a temporary federal program of shared public and private compensation for insured commercial property and casualty losses resulting from an "act of terrorism," as defined by TRIA. In order for the Program to make payments following a certified "act of terrorism," the losses from an event must exceed certain thresholds and be in excess of participating insurer deductibles. Only "acts of terrorism" that have been certified as such by the Secretary (in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security) are subject to the compensation provisions of the Program. In the event
FOOTNOTE 1 15 U.S.C. 6701 note. Because the provisions of TRIA (as amended) appear in a note, instead of particular sections, of the United States Code, the provisions of TRIA are identified by the sections of the law. END FOOTNOTE
Since the inception of the Program in 2002,
FOOTNOTE 3 Annual collections of information and data, outside of the claims process, that are required under TRIA are addressed in a separate notice and comment process, under OMB Control No. 1505-0257. END FOOTNOTE
FOOTNOTE 4 Public Law 116-94, 133 Stat 2534. END FOOTNOTE
Further information concerning each of these requirements is provided below.
II. Information Collections
A. Existing Information Collections Under OMB Number 1505-0200
Title: Terrorism Risk Insurance Program; Commercial Property and Casualty Insurers Submission for Federal Share of Compensation.
Abstract: This information collection addresses information that participating insurers must submit in support of their claims for payment of the Federal share of compensation. The forms identifying the information to be collected are as follows:
Treasury Form TRIP 01 (Notice of Deductible Erosion)
Treasury Form TRIP 02 (Certification of Loss (initial and supplementary))
Treasury Form TRIP 02A Schedule A (Declaration of Direct Earned Premium and Calculation of Insurer Deductible)
Treasury Form TRIP 02B Schedule B (Certification of Compliance with Section 103(b) of TRIA)
Treasury Form TRIP 02B Schedule C (Bordereau)
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved data collection.
Current Expiration Date:
Affected Public: Business/Financial Institutions.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 100. /5/
FOOTNOTE 5 The number of insurers required to file claims will depend upon the size and nature of the event in question.
Estimated Average Time per Respondent:
Treasury Form TRIP 01: 1.0 hours x 1 response = 1 hours.
Treasury Form TRIP 02 (initial and supplementary): 1.5 hours x 6 responses = 9 hours.
Treasury Form TRIP 02A Schedule A: 6.5 hours x 1 response = 6.5 hours.
Treasury Form TRIP 02B Schedule B: 0.25 hours x 6 responses = 1.5 hours.
Treasury Form TRIP 02B Schedule C: 4 hours x 6 responses = 24 hours.
Estimated Total Annual
FOOTNOTE 6 The burden estimate includes assumptions regarding the number of times each form will need to be completed by an insurer making claims for the Federal share of compensation, as identified above, resulting in total hours for each of the 100 insurers of 42 hours. END FOOTNOTE
Title: Terrorism Risk Insurance Program; Litigation Management--Information Collection Regarding Proposed Settlements.
Abstract: This information collection addresses settlement approval requirements under the Program that were initially adopted by
Treasury Form TRIP 03 (Notice of Proposed Settlement of Third-Party Claim--Request for Approval).
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved data collection.
Current Expiration Date:
Affected Public: Business/Financial Institutions.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 100.
Estimated Average Time per Respondent: 4.0 hours.
Estimated Total Annual
FOOTNOTE 7 Based upon the assumptions that: (1) each of the 100 insurers will have 100 claims (10,000 in total), (2) that 1 in 7 claims will involve amounts above the approval threshold (1,429 claims in total), and (3) 90 percent of those claims will be settled, and thus trigger settlement approval reporting (1,286 claims in total). This estimate of the number of claims that will require settlement approval reporting of 1,286, multiplied by the 4 hours estimated to complete the form, results in the total figure of 5,144 hours. The reporting burden on insurers has not changed. END FOOTNOTE
Title: Recordkeeping Requirements for Insurers Compensated Under Terrorism Risk Insurance Program.
Abstract: This requirement is for the maintenance (recordkeeping) of an insurer's records that are relevant to claims for reimbursement by participating insurers and amounts paid by
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved data collection.
Current Expiration Date:
Estimated Number of Respondents: 100.
Estimated Average Time per Respondent: 8.33 hours. /8/
FOOTNOTE 8 This calculation includes assumptions regarding the number of claims that will be received for which some marginal additional costs (estimated to be 5 minutes per claim) will be incurred by the affected insurer. END FOOTNOTE
Estimated Total Annual
Title: Surcharge Records Maintenance.
Abstract: This requirement is for the maintenance (recordkeeping) of an insurer's records that are relevant to any surcharges collected and remitted by insurers to
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved data collection.
Current Expiration Date:
Estimated Number of Respondents: 2,250. /9/
Estimated Average Time per Respondent: 4 hours.
Estimated Total Annual
Title: Recoupment Provisions of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA).
Abstract: Section 103(e) of TRIA extends authority to
Treasury Form TRIP 04A (Direct Written Premium and Monthly Surcharge Calculation)
Treasury Form TRIP 04B (Direct Written Premium and End of Year Calculation)
Treasury Form TRIP 05 (
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved data collection.
Current Expiration Date:
Affected Public: Business/Financial Institutions.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 2,250 (TRIP 04A and TRIP 04B recoupment processing) and 200 (TRIP 05 data call).
Estimated Average Time per Respondent:
Treasury Forms TRIP 04A and TRIP 04B: 5 hours per month (60 hours per year).
Treasury Form TRIP 05: 5 hours.
Estimated Total Annual
Title: Terrorism Risk Insurance Program; Cap on Annual Liability.
Abstract: The Program is subject to a total annual cap of aggregate industry losses of
Treasury Form TRIP 05 (Terrorism Risk Insurance Program;
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved data collection.
Current Expiration Date:
Affected Public: Business/Financial Institutions.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 200.
Estimated Average Time per Respondent: 5 hours.
Estimated Total Annual
Title: Terrorism Risk Insurance Program; Certification Data Call.
Abstract: In order for the Secretary to determine whether an event is subject to certification as an "act of terrorism" under TRIA and 31 CFR 50.62,
Treasury Form TRIP 06 (Certification Data Call). /10/
FOOTNOTE 10 Although potentially available for the collection of information, the Certification Data Call will not need to be utilized if
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved data collection.
Current Expiration Date:
Affected Public: Business/Financial Institutions.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 20.
Estimated Average Time per Respondent: 15 hours.
Estimated Total Annual
Title: Terrorism Risk Insurance Program; Monthly Claims Report.
Treasury Form TRIP 07 (Monthly Claims Report).
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved data collection.
Current Expiration Date:
Affected Public: Business/Financial Institutions.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 100.
Estimated Average Time per Respondent: 2 hours.
Estimated Total Annual
FOOTNOTE 11 The burden estimate includes the assumption that the monthly report will need to be completed each month over a 48-month period as all claims are resolved. Each monthly report will take 2 hours during this 48-month period, resulting in 96 hours per each insurer, or 9,600 hours for all 100 insurers combined. END FOOTNOTE
Title: Terrorism Risk Insurance Program; Commutations under Final Netting Rule
Abstract: Under 31 CFR 50.76(b), the Secretary may set a final netting date, at which time all claims relating to an insured loss or act of terrorism become final. As part of a final netting determination,
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved data collection.
Current Expiration Date:
Affected Public: Business/Financial Institutions.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 15.
Estimated Average Time per Respondent: 40 hours.
Estimated Total Annual
Title: Terrorism Risk Insurance Program; Rebuttal of Controlling Influence Submissions.
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved data collection.
Current Expiration Date:
Affected Public: Business/Financial Institutions.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 10.
Estimated Average Time per Respondent: 40 hours.
Estimated Total Annual
All of the forms and associated instructional materials (none of which are changing on account of this renewal) are available for review on
Request for Comments: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection of information displays a valid OMB control number. Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized and/or included in the request for OMB approval. All comments will become a matter of public record. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collections; (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and (e) estimates of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and purchase of services to provide information.
Director, Federal Insurance Office.
[FR Doc. 2023-17679 Filed 8-16-23;
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