Your choice, your vote, our democracy
In less than a month, we the people should have the last word on who becomes the next President of
Furthermore, we know now because of this information that the former president is willing to do anything to assure a win for the Republican party. This has included a litany of disinformation including an unwillingness to admit that he lost the 2020 election.
Moreover, the Harris/Walz ticket believes in climate change and will fight for a safer planet to include clean energy investment, global climate agreements, a two-state
The Harris/Walz ticket represents experience that can deliver effective government supporting fair and accessible voting, good public education, infrastructure and transportation investment, broadband access for everyone and more important, corporate tax increase, so that they pay their fair share.
The stakes are high. Make sure you're registered to vote at your current address. Visit IWILLVOTE.COM to check. Check if your photo ID is valid for voting. Visit NCDP.ORG/VOTER-ID. If you don't have an ID, you can get a free ID at your local
Early voting starts on
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