What's Love Got to Do With Disability Insurance?
Tying the knot could mean a loss of health coverage, income support and other essential resources for millions of Americans.
To many folks in the queer community, the phrase "marriage equality" harkens memories of the decades-long uphill battle culminating in a watershed
There's a segment of that population that is often dissuaded from cohabitation and marriage because of oppressive and unfair
Approximately 26 percent (one in 4) of
"Marriage equality has the power to change the cultural narrative about what is to be LGBTQ,"
People with disabilities as a whole have often been excluded from conversations on marriage equality, according to
"While I am thrilled that my non-disabled LGBTQ+ siblings can get married, I often think about how much more inclusive the outcome of the fight for marriage equality could have been if the LGBTQ+ and disability communities worked in solidarity with each other, especially considering that one part of the disability community - the Autistic community - has research that indicates that it has higher rates of people who are LGBTQ+ than the general population," Guin told
The system is antagonistic, forcing strict income and resource limits. A
"I think this stems from the fact that people with disabilities are still by and large seen as not desirable, both as possibilities for a pash on a Saturday night and as long-term partners," Brown said, making visible that disability care concerns are important beyond the US. "When I moved in with my partner, my payment was significantly reduced, making me financially dependent on her. This financial dependency is concerning. While my relationship is great seven years in, for others, this inequality may lead to financial abuse and entrench the ableism within a relationship."
The penalty can affect people with a wide variety of disabilities, but not every person with disabilities. There are disparities in marriage penalties, as only certain individuals with specific disabilities are affected, while others are not. Among the considerations for the penalty are disability type, one's work record, work income, savings, or whether one's significant other is on SSI or SSDI.
The devastating loss of income and imperative healthcare insurance aside, many also lose access to equally essential support services, such as Section 8, food stamps, welfare, and PCA (personal care assistant) care providers who offer crucial assistance with self-care tasks, such as dressing, cooking, or cleaning. For those who have physical impairments, losing such benefits could result in loss of life.
Jacob (name changed to protect privacy) and many like him depend on PCA care. At age 17, while en route to his senior prom, Jacob's car was struck by a taxi cab on
"I suffered a traumatic brain injury in 1996," Jacob explained to
Jacob improved throughout that year and by February, he was discharged from operation therapy. But he eventually suffered a second accident: He broke his neck when a drunk driver struck his car.
"I prayed on it and took pain pills that lasted about 20 minutes, but I was, and am, in excruciating pain," he said. "And need my SSI. Just because two becomes one when you marry, it doesn't mean two can support one."
Renee, Jacob's fiance, who currently lives in a separate dwelling and works as a paraprofessional within a special education classroom, added: "I went online to research ways for him to keep his benefits. It said if you get SSID, it doesn't matter how much your spouse makes, you'll lose your benefits because they're considering household income once you marry - even if you don't earn very much. When you get married, everyone has to have something to contribute. It doesn't matter how big or how small; it just matters that you contribute. Taking away that contribution is sad and humiliating."
There's an assumption that while a single person with disabilities requires full benefits to survive when living alone, a person who marries another can securely share a home for less than if two individuals were apart. However, that isn't necessarily true. Disabilities have a high cost, and the loss of Medicaid or Medicare can entirely destabilize a couple's finances.
Flexible and consistent coverage is a human right and is essential for individuals with disabilities, particularly those whose disabilities change over time. Knowledge about penalties ahead of marriage often means many choose not to get married or "marry well" - thus handing off the responsibility of care from the government to the spouse. Also, those who marry before understanding the poorly designed rules are subject to the penalties mentioned above, essentially because they have a lesser ability to manage legal arrangements and finances. Such factors contribute to the overall first-marriage rate in
"My dream for SSI would be that it would be available to any and all disabled people regardless of our employment status, income/assets, or marital status," Guin said. "Living with a disability is expensive, and many disabled people encounter what we call the Crip Tax. Having SSI as a form of Universal Basic Income for disabled people would be so impactful for so many people. I would also like to see the waiting period substantially reduced since it can take months or even years to get your first SSI/SSDI payment."
Until improvements come to fruition, all dependents living with disabilities can examine personal income, assets, and resources, and calculate potential loss by contacting representatives at a local
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