Wash. Administrator Wilson Issues Public Comment on FEMA Notice
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Background regarding the
The City has a lengthy and complicated history with the
Recognizing the increasing flood risk in the City (due to the continued aggradation of the White River and restrictions on dredging), the
The WRRP will restore native vegetation, including forested wetland, mixed coniferous and deciduous upland forest, and scrub-shrub plant communities. The proposed stream and floodplain restoration will improve rearing opportunities for
The WRRP will lower the existing floodplain through grading to restore a more natural channel and floodplain configuration and allow for significant expansion of aquatic habitats. The new floodplain configuration will allow for dynamic channel processes to occur while maintaining stable boundaries to protect adjacent developed areas. New, more natural, channels will be installed as part of the project.
Twenty-one Engineered Log Jams (ELJs) will be installed in the White River channel and new side channels to reverse channel simplification and restore geomorphic and habitat processes. Approximately 163 acres will be planted with native trees, shrubs, and groundcover species indicative of the mixed coniferous and deciduous forested floodplain condition of the lower White River valley to restore native floodplain and riparian plant communities.
The City began design for the WRRP in 2014, and permitting and environmental review in 2020. The WRRP is subject to multiple layers of review. The City is hoping to receive the necessary federal (Clean Water Act, Section 404; ESA Section 7(a)(2) consultation; NHPA Section 106 consultation), state (
Does the NFIP incentivize floodplain development?
That has not been
Rather than making it easier to develop these properties, the NFIP's floodplain management standards, combined with the ever-evolving FIRMs, have made it progressively more difficult to develop property that for more than a century and until recently numerous government agencies (from the Corps down to the City) understood to be appropriate for development. In fact, as
Are there any NFIP minimum floodplain management standards that currently cause hardship, conflict, confusion or create an economic or financial burden (Question 10)? Are there current regulatory provisions that present recurring difficulties for local and State officials implementing NFIP minimum floodplain standards and if so, what improvements should be made (Question 13)?
Yes, the City spent more than
The City strongly encourages
Are there current regulatory provisions that create duplication, overlap, complexity, or inconsistent requirements or unintended inequities with other
Yes, most large scale projects in the floodplain in western
Further, because most larger floodplain projects also trigger CWA Section 404 jurisdiction, those projects also go through some form of ESA Section 7 consultation. At the same time, due to the 2008 Biological Opinion issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the implementation of the NFIP in the
What additional considerations should
The City encourages
Question 8 in the
Further, as noted above, the majority of larger projects in the floodplain also trigger one or more federal authorizations, which also require direct consultation with either NMFS or USFWS under Section 7(a)(2) or the
To the extent
It has been the City's experience that
City Administrator
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The notice can be viewed at https://www.regulations.gov/document/FEMA-2021-0024-0001
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