Va. A.G. Herring Urges Trump Administration to Increase Outreach About Healthcare Coverage Assistance During COVID-19
After urging Virginians who have lost their jobs to evaluate their insurance options to make sure that they remain covered during this unprecedented national health crisis, Attorney General
"We are facing an unprecedented number of Virginians who could be without health care coverage because of COVID-19-related layoffs," said Attorney General Herring. "
In the letter, the attorneys general highlight that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides the flexibility necessary to help people wrestling with the loss of their livelihood and their family's healthcare coverage during this critical time. The ACA requires the HHS Secretary to provide yearly open enrollment periods on the Exchanges to allow individuals to enroll in new or different healthcare coverage. Outside of this period, individuals may enroll in coverage through the Exchange only if they qualify for a Special Enrollment Period due to certain life events such as loss of employment offering healthcare coverage. Informing individuals of the potential for replacing the coverage they have lost through is vital, as most Americans obtain their healthcare coverage through their employer. In 2018, over half of individuals under age 65 had insurance through an employer.
The importance of this outreach will only increase as the economic upheaval of this crisis continues to expand. A new study by the
The coalition expresses concern that, without immediate and widespread outreach, Americans who have recently been laid off will remain unaware of the Special Enrollment Period and thus not access needed healthcare coverage. Evidence shows that marketplace advertising and consumer assistance increases enrollment numbers and stabilizes markets. Yet, over the last few years, the Trump Administration has actively cut marketplace advertising and consumer assistance. HHS, as the operator of, must step in to get the word out to consumers in the 38 states that rely on the federal Exchange. HHS should also ensure that outreach materials are translated into the same range of languages as other HHS vital documents in order to ensure meaningful access to information about the Special Enrollment Period.
The attorneys general urge HHS to empower individuals and working families across the country to pursue the best coverage option for them, whether it is Exchange coverage, COBRA, Medicare, Medicaid, or the
Yesterday, Attorney General Herring urged Virginians who have lost or could lose their jobs due to the COVD-19 health crisis to evaluate their insurance options to make sure that they remain covered during this unprecedented national health crisis. Earlier this month, Attorney General Herring sent a letter to the
* Successfully petitioned the SCC to put a hold on all utility disconnections and, in response to a second request from Attorney General Herring, the SCC extended that freeze and suspended all late fees for the duration of the state of emergency
* Reviewed price gouging complaints from around the Commonwealth with his Consumer Protection Section and investigated any potential violations and pursued violators, including sending warning letters to dozens of businesses about which Virginians have complained
* Issued numerous warnings urging Virginians to be wary of COVID19 related scams as well as scams related to the federal stimulus package
* Issued an advisory opinion outlining the authority of public bodies, including local governments, to conduct meetings and critical public business while meeting social distancing needs and important transparency and accountability obligations
* Sent letters to Amazon, Facebook, Craigslist, Ebay, and Walmart urging them to more rigorously monitor price gouging practices by online sellers who are using their services
Additionally, Attorney General Herring has urged the Trump Administration to take many different actions to protect Virginians and Americans during this time including:
* Utilize the Defense Production Act to immediately prioritize the production of personal protective equipment and ventilators
* Provide federal student loan borrowers with crucial emergency protections
Joining Attorney General Herring in sending the letter are the attorneys general of
Sen. Gillibrand Urges HHS to Protect Older Adults and People With Disabilities From COVID-19 Treatment Discrimination
Rep. Dingell: House Democrats Introduce Bill to Help Workers Keep Job-Based Health Coverage During COVID-19 Crisis
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