United Way of East of Mississippi offers free Medicare counseling
Meridian Star (MS)
Oct. 22--Turning 65? Is Medicare a mystery to you? Did you know United Way of East of Mississippi has certified, volunteer Medicare counselors who can help you with your Medicare questions? The State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) is a counseling program designed to answer questions about health insurance for the elderly.
SHIP is available to:
--Answer your questions about Medicare
--Assist you with information about buying a Medigap policy policy
--Aid you in selecting a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage Plan
The United Way of East Mississippi provides Medicare counseling free of charge to all eligible eligible enrollees. Open enrollment started on Oct. 15 and continues through Dec. 6.
Call 601-693-2732 to speak wth a United Way of East Mississippi SHIP Counselor or to or to set up a meeting to help assist you through the Medicare process.
(c)2019 The Meridian Star (Meridian, Miss.)
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