U.S. Conference of Mayors Announces National Day of Action on Affordable Care Act Repeal
Targeted News Service (Press Releases)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 -- The U.S. Conference of Mayors issued the following news release:
As threats to the Affordable Care Act loom, Mayors across the country will hold a National Mayors' Day of Action on Wednesday, February 22nd to stress the serious impact losing healthcare coverage would have on millions of Americans.
Taking advantage of the Congressional recess, Mayors in cities large and small will join with key stakeholders, including residents, small businesses, hospital administrators, and others to underscore the importance of the patient protections included in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which have enjoyed bipartisan support, and protected innumerable Americans from the catastrophic cost of illness.
Mayors will use the #MayorsStand4All in their social media to amplify the message on February 22 and beyond.
On Thursday, February 23rd - Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh, Chair of the Children, Health and Humans Services Standing Committee will host a press conference call with his fellow Mayors to report on the National Mayors' Day of Action and release a bipartisan letter to Congressional leaders with more than 100 mayoral signatures.
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