Two-Thirds of Near-Retirees Barely Passed or Failed a Basic Social Security Quiz From MassMutual
Over 15,000 new people are added to the
"Now's the time for retirees to take action," said
Here are some highlights from MassMutual's quiz that near-retirees should know and plan for:
* When asked if their retirement income plans account for inflation and market volatility, only17% said YES while 28% said NO, 28% said I HOPE SO and 26% said I HAVE NO IDEA.
* Four in 10 (40%) did not know that under current law,
* Benefits for married couples, including those in same-sex marriages, still confuse many. More than a quarter of respondents (28%) did not know that if they have a spouse, the other spouse can receive benefits even if the spouse has no individual earning history. And more than three in 10 (32%) did not know that if they have a spouse and the spouse passes away, the surviving spouse will not receive both their full benefit and their deceased spouse's full benefit. At least more than half (57%) know that if they get divorced, they might be able to collect
* While this topic was not part of the latest quiz, another crucial
"It's more important now than ever to know the basic facts and to secure more guarantees in retirement," said
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