Travelers Lobbying Report Q2 2022
7/20/22, |
LD2 Lobbying Disclosure Report |
Clerk of the |
Secretary of the |
Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (Section 5) - All Filers Are Required to Complete This Page
- Registrant
Name Organization/Lobbying Firm Self Employed Individual
Address2 |
City |
State CT |
3. Principal place of business (if different than line 2)
City |
New |
York |
State NY |
Country USA |
4a. Contact |
b. Telephone Number |
c. E-mail |
5. Senate ID# |
Mrs. |
Lindsay |
8602779543 |
lhfrank@travelers |
.com |
77173-12 |
7. Client |
Self |
Check if client is a state or local government or instrumentality |
6. House ID# |
361430000 |
8. Year 2022 |
Q1 (1/1 - 3/31) |
Q2 (4/1 - 6/30) |
Q3 (7/1 - 9/30) |
Q4 (10/1 - 12/31) |
9. Check if this filing amends a previously filed version of this report
10. Check if this is a Termination Report |
Termination Date |
11. No Lobbying Issue Activity |
INCOME OR EXPENSES - YOU MUST complete either Line 12 or Line 13
12. Lobbying
INCOME relating to lobbying activities for this reporting period was:
Less than
$ |
Provide a good faith estimate, rounded to the nearest
13. Organizations
EXPENSE relating to lobbying activities for this reporting period were:
Less than
$ 310,000.00 |
14. REPORTING Check box to indicate expense accounting method. See instructions for description of options.
Method A. Reporting amounts using LDA definitions only
Method B. Reporting amounts under section 6033(b)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code
Method C. Reporting amounts under section 162(e) of the Internal Revenue Code
Signature |
Date |
Digitally Signed By: |
7/20/22, |
LD2 Lobbying Disclosure Report |
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
- General issue area code INS
- Specific lobbying issues
Arbitration Related Legislation
Asbestos Related Legislation Bankruptcy Transparency Issues Budget Issues
Climate Change and issues related to Mitigation and Resiliency including wildfire funding COVID-19 Global Pandemic Response and Recovery Efforts
Cybersecurity, cyber insurance and issues related to ransomware payments
Natural Catastrophe Related Legislation and emergency disaster aid supplemental legislation Credit Scoring, Risk-Based Pricing and the Use of Credit as Underwriting Tool Issues Data breach legislation and regulation
Insurance issues related to the
Insurance issues relating to liquidation authority for systemically important financial institutions and the plans for US and global regulators for higher capital requirements for financial institutions
Medical Liability Reform
Opioid Reform Legislation
Trade and cross-border issues
Legislative and Regulatory issues involving autonomous vehicles HUD Disparate impact rulemaking related issues
- House(s) of
Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ,U.S. SENATE Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First |
Last |
Suffix |
Covered Official Position (if applicable) |
New |
Glenn |
Westrick (employed by Sub) |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above |
Check if None |
Information Update Page - Complete ONLY where registration information has changed.
20. Client new address
Address |
City |
State |
Country |
21. Client new principal place of business (if different than line 20)
City |
State |
Country |
22. New General description of client's business or activities
7/20/22, |
LD2 Lobbying Disclosure Report |
First |
Last |
Suffix |
First |
Last |
Suffix |
1 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
24. General lobbying issue that no longer pertains
25. Add the following affiliated organization(s) Internet Address:
Address |
Street Address |
(city and state or country) |
City |
State/Province Zip |
Country |
City |
State |
Country |
26. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
27. Add the following foreign entities:
Address |
Principal place of business |
Amount of |
Ownership |
Street Address |
contribution for |
percentage in |
(city and state or country) |
City |
State/Province Country |
lobbying activities |
client |
City |
% |
State |
Country |
1 |
3 |
5 |
2 |
4 |
6 |
29. Have any of the lobbyists listed on this report been convicted in a Federal or State Court of an offense involving bribery, extortion, embezzlement, an illegal kickback, tax evasion, fraud, a conflict of interest, making a false statement, perjury, or money laundering?
7/20/22, |
LD2 Lobbying Disclosure Report |
No |
Yes |
Lobbyist |
Description of Offense(s) |
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